Agility Test Help
I am in the process of becoming a police officer and this will be a three time requirement.I have been in the gym before surgery and had my stamina up a lot more then now.I was released 2 weeks ago to start back and I have worked out hard since then but I need a plan that can get me ready in 3-6 weeks.I really want to get the ball rolling on the process ASAP for next Police academy class now form of all women..Please help!!!
what kind of agility tests are you referring too? If you know, then that is what I would practice.
If I had to guess I'd say to get a good upper and lower body stretch before you get started, that really helps me even before my molassas pace jogs and before golf (twisting and bending needed to play; especially on those 4-5 hr 18 hole days; it take longer when you get in as many swings as I need to finish! yuck yuck yuck!).
Some interval or fartlek type runs may help too; kinda like walk/run ratio stuff that builds to run/jog; then run faster/run slower to recover type training that is used to build stamina and speed. I am convinced it also helps build strength and agility if you do it with some regularity. Even at a lower level; it builds as you stay with it. Then there is the shuttle run and the old basketball line drill; start at the end or baseline and jog/run out and touch the foul-line( and back to the baseline), then out to midcourt (and back), then out othe foul-line at the far end (and back), then the far baseline (and back). Thats a butt-kicker but good for agiity and flexibility.
Don't discount freestyle calastetics (sure thats spelled wrong) either (situps, pushups, leg lifts type stuff). Hope any of that helps. :O)
Hey and congrads for going for a career post-op goal.. Thats great. Best of luck!
If I had to guess I'd say to get a good upper and lower body stretch before you get started, that really helps me even before my molassas pace jogs and before golf (twisting and bending needed to play; especially on those 4-5 hr 18 hole days; it take longer when you get in as many swings as I need to finish! yuck yuck yuck!).
Some interval or fartlek type runs may help too; kinda like walk/run ratio stuff that builds to run/jog; then run faster/run slower to recover type training that is used to build stamina and speed. I am convinced it also helps build strength and agility if you do it with some regularity. Even at a lower level; it builds as you stay with it. Then there is the shuttle run and the old basketball line drill; start at the end or baseline and jog/run out and touch the foul-line( and back to the baseline), then out to midcourt (and back), then out othe foul-line at the far end (and back), then the far baseline (and back). Thats a butt-kicker but good for agiity and flexibility.
Don't discount freestyle calastetics (sure thats spelled wrong) either (situps, pushups, leg lifts type stuff). Hope any of that helps. :O)
Hey and congrads for going for a career post-op goal.. Thats great. Best of luck!