Consolidated listing of road races anywhere?
agree with - that's an awesome site. I also use which has tons of races listed on it as well. Do a search for running clubs in your area/state and they may have some smaller races listed on there as well! Good luck!!
"Running has the power to change your life. It will make you fitter, healthier, even happier." ~Selene Yeager, "Let's Get Started," May 2010 issue of Runner's World
you may also want to check out the sites of local running clubs and timing companies. in new england we have the benefit of New England Runner Mag which lists hundreds of races.
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!