Any Rollerbladers Out There?

on 7/2/10 5:06 am - Canton, MI
I am trying to become more active. I'm down 35 lbs (including the weight that I lost before surgery) and it is become easier for me to move. I  do two 20 minute walks a day during the week and on the weekend I do a 45 minute walk at the park. I found out that a nearby skating ring has rollerblading classes for beginners. I would really like to try rollerblading but I'm scared that I'm too big to do it  (I'm also scared that I'll be the only adult surrounded by kids but that's a different story). I'm 308 now and the next set of classes start on July 17. I'm hoping that by the time the classes start I'll be under 300 lbs.

Do you think it will be really hard for someone my size to rollerblade? 
Is there anyone out there who rollerbladed at around my size? Should I wait until I lose more weight before rollerblading? If so, what would be a good weight to start? 
                              Don't let perfect be the enemy of good   
Linn D.
on 7/2/10 11:44 pm - Missoula, MT
I think any activity is good.  The only things I would caution you on are:

1) rollerblades are kind of expensive, and what fits you now probably won't fit over time as you lose more weight and the shape of your feet and legs change.

2) it is a very injury-prone sport - lots of ankle, knee, and wrist injuries.

But, if you're really interested, give it a go!

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