A Mere mortal attempting an ironman.

on 6/26/10 11:47 am - Port Huron, MI
 Mere mortal attempting an ironman. 

As I started this note I was on the way to a bariatric orientation meeting with/for my aunt. This drive got me thinking of my 3 years since surgery:

I have been blessed with a 1 1/2 month western US trip seeing about 10 states, including Alaska. I have biked 1 century, participated in 4 marathons, 2 half marathons, numerous sprint & Olympic distance triathlons, and 2 half ironman triathlons. Tomorrow I attempt the greatest physical challenge I have ever had -- a 140.6 mile full ironman triathlon.


The question I get asked most is Why?  Quickly followed by a YOUR NUTS!!!   And you know what, they're right!!!  But it's so much more. When you weigh more than 400 pounds there's not a lot of physical activity you CAN do.  Just walking around the block makes you sweat profusely. For anyone tha****ched me climb the scaffolding for band -- there was always the fear of will it hold Griff?  

I started walking shortly before my surgery and then after it became a daily ritual. I had to walk, eventually I got up to 5 miles and thought it was time to do something more vigorous. I was still around 350 pounds and was scared. Could I even run?  It had been probably over a decade since I had run. So on a rainy night I went up to Northville HS and gave it a go. I was guaranteed that no one was going to see me (at least nobody from Port Huron). That first attempt I made it about 100 yards and marveled at how much I had abused my body!  I had lost so much weight and was still far from where I wanted to be. As I remember that night I got up to 1/2 of a lap. I don't think I was really proud of that, but it was at least a starting point. 

Shortly there after I made a bet with a friend that I could do 100 miles on my bike in 1 day. They all thought I was nuts but I got the bike out and started training the next day. That June I was successful in doing 50 miles up the coast of Lake Huron and back. Did I need the bet, nope but it made it a little more exciting and fun to know people were tracking me. 

That summer I spent touring out West and was able to ride and run through some amazing locations you'd miss in a car. At some point I thought since I run almost everyday and I’ve biked the century maybe a marathon is possible. So with a shortened time frame I set out to do the Detroit marathon.  Completing it just shy of 5 hours (still my PB) was another very sweet taste of freedom from that person I was!

Looking for the next challenge I moved onto triathlons. By now the theme of pushing myself is very evident and in my first year of doing them I completed several shorter ones and 2 half ironman triathlons. Each of those races put me through different trials and emotions. In steelhead I had an incredible swim and a good bike. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING came apart on the run. I got huge blisters that popped, was soaked from the rain, and energy wise was at zero. I refused to quit and knew that no matter what I was going to RUN that finishers chute. I did and it felt amazing. 

In Muskoka I enjoyed the swim, it wasn't as fast a steelhead but it was a fun, beautiful course. The bike was gorgeous but HILLY!!!!  The 2 time world champion has called this the toughest 70.3 event and I know why. I was fried after the bike and not sure I could complete the run. I started and felt better and better every step of the way. While it was hilly and not easy I ended with a smile and the sense of victory over a very tough course.

Last fall brought back-to-back marathons, with Detroit and NYC. I had signed up to do the goofy challenge at Disney in January of this year. The goofy is a half marathon on Saturday and a full on Sunday. My half was great! 2:17 or so and I felt great. The full wasn't meant to be though and when I found my fiancée at mile 9 I informed her that it wasn't my day. It was a hard decision but the only one I could make at that time. I don't regret it, but it's a bitter pill to swallow.  

 So here I sit, the night before my greatest challenge.  I wish I could say my training has gone according to plan and I'm ready to crush the course. Alas, as the title suggests, I'm just a mere mortal that life happened. I had a couple medical issues that derailed me for about 5 or 6 weeks of training. I also made the BEST decision of my life and got engaged. However, as is typical of me doing the best thing at the worse time can be trying for everyone involved!  

There is much unknown as I prepare for tomorrow. I know I can do all three distances, but can I do them all on 1 day?  Can I make the time cutoffs?  What will the day have in store for me. It's beautiful out here, and while the scenery for the bike is breathtaking so are some of the hills!!!  My hope and goal is to get up all of them without walking, but there's a couple that look absolutely brutal -- and we get to do them TWICE. 

I do believe that ignorance is bliss for me right now!  I have no idea what to expect or how I'm going to feel. I know that I am going to push until I have no more. I WILL see that finish line or they will have to remove me from the race. 

There is so much excitement out here it’s unbelievable.  Everywhere you go there’s incredible athletes and incredible stories.  Mine is just one of many.


  I have realized just how much sacrifice it takes to get to the start line.  My training hasn’t always gone according to plan and right now I wish I had a lot more miles in my legs!  What I do believe is that I’ve got the miles and the mental strength to get me through the day. 

The people racing and the volunteers out there will get me through the dark moments and celebrate the good times.  Jenny is going to be volunteering at the run aide station #1 so I'll be able to see and talk to her then. It will most likely be on my second loop of the run so it will be a much needed pick-me-up.   

I’ve got 17 hours to complete this thing, with various time cutoffs through the day, and with Gods grace I will make it to the finish line!   

The best part however is that I get to experience all this with by best friend, my soul mate: my fiancée.  There has been unbelievable sacrifice to get here.  When I cross the finish line it’s not going to be a solo thing – It’s going to be very emotional for both of us!  When we hear the words "Dan Griffith, you are an IRONMAN" I believe there will be tears from both of us.  


on 6/26/10 12:10 pm - Montgomery, NY
 Dude you are truly inspiring.  

Sue M.
on 6/26/10 12:25 pm - Nantucket, MA
Goosebumps!  I'm so excited for you!
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 6/26/10 1:10 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Go Get Em bro!!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Linn D.
on 6/26/10 1:16 pm - Missoula, MT
Interesting to look at some of these things and remember how we felt over time.  I'd love to be there (it's soooooo close), but I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and wish you all the best as you COMPLETE this goal.

on 6/26/10 2:03 pm - Bloomington, IN
 Dan I really liked your story.  Very inspirational.  Rarely do things go as planned but perseverance leads us to victories and accomplishments that we so desire.  Best of luck to you in your 140.6.  I hope you have a great experience and will give us an awesome report.  I'm looking forward to my first 70.3 and will not settle until I too have a 140.6 under my belt and can share the title "Ironman".
Godspeed tomorrow,
                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
Katie H.
on 6/26/10 5:00 pm - Charlton, MA
Best of luck to you tomorrow!!

I'm looking forward to reading more about your Ironman journey!!

"Running has the power to change your life. It will make you fitter, healthier, even happier."   ~Selene Yeager, "Let's Get Started," May 2010 issue of Runner's World

on 6/26/10 8:48 pm - St.Marys, OH
WOW...what accomplishments you have made. Soon you will add IRONMAN to your list. Congrats on your engagement also. Life is good!!
Looking forward to reading your next post with all the details.
on 6/26/10 11:42 pm
 You are so inspiring, I wish you the best of luck and can't wait to hear how it goes...You got this!!!
patrick M.
on 6/27/10 3:16 am - San Bernardino, CA
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