New here - could use some encouragement
Dance classes. I have the clothes, I have the classes purchased, I have all my old shoes ready to go but I'm having so much trouble motivating to just go do it!
Ballet is where I want to start again. When I took it in college I found it so centering and challenging and I gained an enormous amount of strength and stamina from it.
But there is something I'm afraid idea what. Just a block.
My ultimate goals is to do strength training twice a week, dance twice a week, run once a week.
but I can't seem to put that dance piece into place!!!! I know I'll love it, too......
Ballet is where I want to start again. When I took it in college I found it so centering and challenging and I gained an enormous amount of strength and stamina from it.
But there is something I'm afraid idea what. Just a block.
My ultimate goals is to do strength training twice a week, dance twice a week, run once a week.
but I can't seem to put that dance piece into place!!!! I know I'll love it, too......
7/19/09 - DS with Dr. Alfons Pomp
7/11/12 - tummy tuck, UBL, larg lipo sculpting of torso, lipo of "buffalo hump" with Dr. Sauceda
Heh Kristin, it's good to see you here!
Believe it or not, I was the same way about the weight training, I kept making excuses and putting off getting started. But I finally just signed up; paid ahead a few months and scheduled the time to do it. It took about 3 months to really get hooked, but now I just hate to miss a session and I'll make all kinds of adjustments to make sure I can be there.
I think the secret if there is one, is to just make yourself get started and commit to a few months and by the time you're finishing up your commitment, you're hooked.
Just do it; get started; you won't be sorry ~
wishing it isn't going to make it so, you have to go out and do it. that said, if you try it and it isn't working for you, try something else. bottom line, find something you truly love to do and it will last, if it's a chore, it will be very hard to keep momentum. good luck, and post here often (especially on the daily workout thread), it helps keep you motivated!
Where are we going?? And why am I in this handbasket??
right now. somewhere. somebody is working harder than you.
right now. somewhere. somebody is working harder than you.
Thank you. I do know I love dance, I've done it before and I find it amazing. I love running too. I just need to find my need to use the grit I already have.
This helps. I will post on the daily thread. thank you!
This helps. I will post on the daily thread. thank you!
7/19/09 - DS with Dr. Alfons Pomp
7/11/12 - tummy tuck, UBL, larg lipo sculpting of torso, lipo of "buffalo hump" with Dr. Sauceda
Here's to hoping one of my favorite quotes from Biggest Loser Ali Vincent's "Believe It, Be It" book will help you to get moving! I've actually done this (before even picking up the book) and it worked!
P. 148: Sometimes you'll be hit with out of the blue feelings of being inadequate, of not being appreciated, of not feeling worthy. Are you kidding me? Of course you're worthy! Those are old feelings, how you felt in the past. But now you're acknowledging them and making different choices on how to handle them. And eating won't solve anything. Try making different choices. Get in the car and go to the gym, even if you just sit in the parking lot. Okay, now you're in the parking lot. Why don't you just go in for 15 minutes? You ca sit in the locker room for awhile if you want. Then maybe you can walk on the treadmill for a few minutes. you're going to get past those old, bad feelings. Just acknowledge them, be okay with them, and keep moving forward, inch by inch.
P. 148: Sometimes you'll be hit with out of the blue feelings of being inadequate, of not being appreciated, of not feeling worthy. Are you kidding me? Of course you're worthy! Those are old feelings, how you felt in the past. But now you're acknowledging them and making different choices on how to handle them. And eating won't solve anything. Try making different choices. Get in the car and go to the gym, even if you just sit in the parking lot. Okay, now you're in the parking lot. Why don't you just go in for 15 minutes? You ca sit in the locker room for awhile if you want. Then maybe you can walk on the treadmill for a few minutes. you're going to get past those old, bad feelings. Just acknowledge them, be okay with them, and keep moving forward, inch by inch.