The best product I have used! p90X!
Hi all,
I just want to let everyone know about this new motivational workout program that I have been using!
It's called P90X, extreme fitness! Ithas really helped me loss those extra weight! I went through the program twice!!!!! It's basically a set of dvd and guides that you can do right at home.
Oh and I an not a spokeperosn for them and I am not endorsig that you buy the program from their website! I bought it and I wish I had known to look on ebay first!
So look into it! BUt remember to buy from ebay or some other place so it is cheaper! They are dvds so you can buy used even!
I just want to let everyone know about this new motivational workout program that I have been using!
It's called P90X, extreme fitness! Ithas really helped me loss those extra weight! I went through the program twice!!!!! It's basically a set of dvd and guides that you can do right at home.
Oh and I an not a spokeperosn for them and I am not endorsig that you buy the program from their website! I bought it and I wish I had known to look on ebay first!
So look into it! BUt remember to buy from ebay or some other place so it is cheaper! They are dvds so you can buy used even!