Zumba anyone

on 5/3/10 7:07 pm - Auckland, New Zealand
Hi there,

This is my 6 week anniversary and I am keen to add extra exercise to my daily walks.  I have been very consientious about my walking,.  I get up about 6am and go for a 3.5km walk, uphill and down dale.  My dogs are thrilled with the regular runs.. and even get to swim some days as we live close to a beach. I have only missed 2 days and then felt pretty energyless and depleted by lunch time, I put that down to not having my daily walk to boost energy and metabolism.

But I don't like just going to a gym to work out.  I want my exercise to be fun, not a chore.  So that's why I'm thinking of Zumba.  I love a boogie, you don't feel like you're having a workout, but still work up a sweat. Has anyone else tried it?

Also any other suggestions for fun exercise are welcome.  I enjoyed belly dancing, great for a laugh and very social... but not really enough exercise.  The other forms of exercise I like are mainly summer ones... and we are heading into winter and I still have a weight to go - e.g. windsurfing, kayaking, rowing or aquarobics ( yes, I know it is done indoors in a heated pool... but it is awful coming out damp, wet head, smelling of chlorine and having to walk to your car on a cold dark night... drive home and make dinner.)

So thoughts, suggestions, advice welcome.
on 5/4/10 12:38 pm - Gig Harbor, WA
I love Zumba! It burns between 600 and 900 calories an hour depending on your exertion level. An hour just zooms by and it is fun!There are many different levels so look around. Are there any YMCA's in New Zealand? Enjoy!
on 5/4/10 5:57 pm - Auckland, New Zealand
 Ok, so I've been to my first Zumba class.  Enjoyed it, but didn't jump... at over 108kgs (237lbs) I don't think I should put that much strain on my joints.  But I will need to get another pair of shoes to do it in.  My walking shoes just won't cut it.  My feet were burning after 45mins and I had to call it quits.

Next class Saturday morning...bugger, I won't be in Auckland... it will have to wait till Monday evening.

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