Monday Workouts@!?#@!!!
I headed out this morning for a run that would loosen up my hamstrings. As I was lightly stretching by the road, two of my running aquancences ran by so I hopped in with them. We went about 1.5 together before I finished a total of 5.5. The legs do feel better. That was my first group run.
What did you do today?
What did you do today?
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
I went to the Wellness Center and challenged myself with intervals on the bicycle. I've been taking it a bit too easy, so I cranked it way up and really got my heart going. Then I did a really good weight workout for about 25 minutes. All in all, great start to the day!
I went to the Wellness Center and challenged myself with intervals on the bicycle. I've been taking it a bit too easy, so I cranked it way up and really got my heart going. Then I did a really good weight workout for about 25 minutes. All in all, great start to the day!
Did full body weight lifting at lunch instead because I'm speaking at the Y tonight yipes! So I'll be doing my cardio (prob elliptical, maybe some treadmill) after the meeting.
**Need advice from you Scott, and anyone else that I'm finally getting halfway trained for my half (which is in three weeks, I'll be walking who knows how much of it..........) my calves and quads kill me at longer distances, what do I do about that?? I'm stretching a lot and when I stopped to stretch at 4 miles before running another 2, they didn't seem tight so much as sore.
I agree with the stretching. When I am going well, I am doing about 20-25 minutes a day. I think it really helps. When I started doing longer runs, my groin got really tight during and sore after. Stretching helped. My quads and hamstrings really got tight during one of my marathons and I thought that I may be done for. Some walking and light stretching really helped but I could not push the pace much for fear of my legs giving up. Duane is right that it all starts with good shoes. I would start with flexibility and stretching. Good luck
Had a great workout, feeling energized...
10 min warm-up on treadmill ran at 4.6 and then 5.1 for 1 min
lat pull down, back row, back extension, ab pull ins x2
5 min on rowing machine (950m), stairs
chest press, dumb bell flys, push-ups with bosu ball, hanging leg lifts x2
10 min on treadmill ran 4.6 and then 5.0 for 1.30
bicep hammer curls, bicep curls, bicep curls with bands, ab machine x2
Hope everyone has a great Monday...
10 min warm-up on treadmill ran at 4.6 and then 5.1 for 1 min
lat pull down, back row, back extension, ab pull ins x2
5 min on rowing machine (950m), stairs
chest press, dumb bell flys, push-ups with bosu ball, hanging leg lifts x2
10 min on treadmill ran 4.6 and then 5.0 for 1.30
bicep hammer curls, bicep curls, bicep curls with bands, ab machine x2
Hope everyone has a great Monday...