I love running, but...

on 4/18/10 9:51 pm - MD
My knees hurt! I was already aware of the fact that I would need to be careful of my knees because I've had pain in the past. Running is by far my favorite excercise, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop. I want to cry. I'm not in a lot of pain, but I'm afraid I'm just doing more and more damage to them.

I have thought about swimming, but kind of scoff at whether or not I'll get a good workout that way. Anyone here a swimmer? 

Anyone here have experience getting their knees replaced before age 30? Kidding. (kind of.)

Cristie Ferny Pants 343/205/170
on 4/18/10 10:40 pm - Richmond, IN
Swimming is actually great exercise. Just like any other activity, you'll get out of it what you put into it. You have the water working against you, so you have some resistance, yet there is no stress on your joints. Honestly, I'm more tired after a good lap swimming session than I am after I go to the weight room.

Try it, you'll like it! (I just made that up...)

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

Scott William
on 4/18/10 11:40 pm
It could be something as simple as "runners knee" or IT band tightness. If you have the means to see a Dr of physical therapist, you may just need some knee strengthening exercises. Also, if you are just starting out you may have to ease into it more slowly than you have.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 4/18/10 11:52 pm - MD
What is IT band tightness?
Cristie Ferny Pants 343/205/170
Scott William
on 4/19/10 12:21 am

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 4/19/10 1:02 am - San Francisco, CA
Couple of things

I totally agree that if you have pain there's something going on (tightness or something). Have someone take a look - you might be surprised how easy it is to fix. Running is great. 

I'm also a fan of swimming and biking - it's a great idea to mix up your workouts and cross train - then your muscles and joints all get to take a rest and/or get a workout. As long as you're doing something, that's the most important thing.

Lastly - I know swimming can get a tad dull up and down the pool. I REALLY reccomend the H2O audio products( www.h2oaudio.com) - you can take your ipod in the pool with you! It's awesome - I listen to books while I'm swimming as (unlike running) you don't need a beat to keep you going.

Keep it up and good luck!
Check out my journey on You Tube! www.youtube.com/gettingtothefinish

on 4/19/10 3:43 am - Richmond, IN
Wow! I've never heard of these - what a great idea! Thanks for the link!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 4/20/10 2:32 am - Barboursville, WV

Have you ever tried icing? I am 52 and my knees get sore and stiff after running, inflammation I presume. I use an ice bag after running. 10 to 15 minutes on each knee does me a world of good. I am an RNYer so I am not suppose to take NSAID's, I try to eat foods that are natural anti inflammatories. Blueberries, almonds, milled flax seed and the list goes on. I don't know for sure how much the food helps, but it's all healthy food and it couldn't hurt.

pan head
on 4/20/10 4:54 am - SoCal, CA
Recently I was dx'd with IT band problems (patella tracking disorder) had knee braces applied and learned some strengthening exersises and I've been running virtually pain free since. It really scared me, because I really love running and know it's the cornerstone of my not re-gaining.

Good luck...Debbie
on 4/20/10 5:00 am - Cambridge, MA
I have had BAD knee problems in the past- in both knees actually. In the short term, the only thing that really helped me was to rest them & ice them A LOT.
Long term, when I started running faster, the knee problems went away. As soon as I was consistently running between 6.5-7.0 mph, I have not had the same problems.

I'm also a veteran of step aerobics overload from years ago & that did a number on my knees as well. Weight training definitely helped combat the overuse injuries.
"Another day.  Another chance to feel healthy."  
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