Tuesday Workouts Ya'll...
Hey Guys,
Let's hear what you guys did today! I had a nice tempo run on the TM this morning... Too much pollen in the air with my allergies to run outside, so I ran 10K in 51:30 for a 7.2 mph pace at 1% grade. We will see what this evening brings.
Let's hear what you guys did today! I had a nice tempo run on the TM this morning... Too much pollen in the air with my allergies to run outside, so I ran 10K in 51:30 for a 7.2 mph pace at 1% grade. We will see what this evening brings.
Your Friend In Health & Sport,
Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/
Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/
Heading to the gym now. Swimming 1,600 meters, running a 10k and shooting for 1:12 mins. I also have leg and calf lifting this morning and will call that a day. See ya'll on the flip side!
Got TRI?
Jeff Benintendi
[email protected]
Starting weight: 431lbs Current weight 254lbs.
100 Mile Club: www.100mileclub.org
Jeff Benintendi
[email protected]
Starting weight: 431lbs Current weight 254lbs.
100 Mile Club: www.100mileclub.org
Well, I was gonna rest today, but it's just too nice out. Went for a nice 25 minute, hilly bike ride.
Had to use the elliptical today as I woke up with some serious pain in the knee. 40 minutes on it and about 10 on the stationary bike (just not a big fan of the stationary bike), plus back, bi's and some shoulder work. I need to psych myself into signing up for a full marathon in the fall and get going to get a bike so I can start riding as the weather gets nicer.
Well that is the last time I take my phone with me to the gym! Got calls every 10 minutes and had to stop my run, take the call and then start up and repeat. Needless to say, swim went 1,600 and run went 3.5 miles and I couldn't take it anymore. Will go and weight train later tonight and run another 4 miles just to get it in. Blahhh.
Got TRI?
Jeff Benintendi
[email protected]
Starting weight: 431lbs Current weight 254lbs.
100 Mile Club: www.100mileclub.org
Jeff Benintendi
[email protected]
Starting weight: 431lbs Current weight 254lbs.
100 Mile Club: www.100mileclub.org