Holy tonage batman

on 4/12/10 3:52 am, edited 4/12/10 4:06 am
So I haven't done a damn thing since I broke my collar bone.  I can't put any pressure on it.  I can't grab the handlebars to support my weight or when I try to get up on the pedals for hill climbing.

I can't run, because the jarring sensation feels wonderful on the collarbone.  I tried lifting some things around the house and work with my good arm and it's amazing to find out what is connected to what.  Even a little weight on the good arm makes the bad arm/shoulder hurt.

So basically I have done nothing but sit around the house.  I stepped on the scale this morning for the first time since the accident.  OMFG I gained 12 pounds in a little over a week.  F!@$, time to break out the protein shakes and pair down the diet to starvation levels until I can workout again.

I certainly don't feel like I have eaten an extra 42000 calories since last Saturday.  That means an extra 4666 calories a day.  I know my calories are up, but I don't recall eating a pizza every day. 

Damn it, I'm almost heavy enough to run Clydesdale again.  A few more ounces and I'll be right there.  I bet if I weighed in at night I would have been heavy enough.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/12/10 4:10 am - Cumming, GA
there is no way you gained that much weight (unless you were seriously bad with your food intake), i can almost guarentee that it is fluid retention.  this happens to me in as little as 2 days rest in a row, i will swing as much as 10-12 lbs, and it is nearly always fluid retention.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 4/12/10 4:24 am
Thanks for helping me back off the ledge.  I was pissed this morning when I stepped on the scale.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/12/10 4:20 am - Fort Worth, TX
With broken bones you are bound to have TONS of inflamation and edema (Swelling) which will cause you to retain fluid which is probably a contributing factor. While you may not have eaten enough food to equal a 12 pound gain, perhaps you have been taking in higher levels of sodium or fast or processed foods? If so, that will ABSOLUTELY cause you to retain fluid and carry around extra poundage. Do not fret bro... You do not need to go to a starvation diet, just drink lots of water, more than normal, and make good choices, it's all good....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 4/12/10 4:21 am - Fort Worth, TX
perhaps you could do the recumbent bike at the gym?
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 4/12/10 4:24 am
Yeah I guess I should give that a try.  It will get me some cardio even if it's not the same exact muscles as riding upwrite or in an aero position.

I'll go hit it tonight.  Thanks for the suggestion Dan!

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/12/10 4:35 am - Cumming, GA
i was thinking the same thing about the recumbent bike, or even the stairmaster (slow speed you shouldn't hold on the the handles anyway, that's cheating :) )
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 4/12/10 7:40 am
I wish they had a stairmaster at my gym.  I might be able to use the eliptical.  I'll give the bike and an eliptical a try tonight.

Maybe the doc will give me something tomorrow that will help immobilize it more than just the sling so I can actually run.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 4/12/10 7:35 am - Bloomington, IN
Scott, I find the fluid thing can really make my weight fluctuate also.  I can easily drift five pounds or more.  Do what you can without hurting yourself.  You'll be back at it in high gear in no time.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 4/12/10 7:39 am
I have just never had that much of a fluctuation before,  I usually change 3-5 pounds during a day, from morning to night, but 12 pounds was just huge and it had been a week since I weighed in.

Freaked me out.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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