Grizzly Triathlon Race Report

Linn D.
on 4/11/10 11:29 am - Missoula, MT
I completed my first race of the year, and my third Grizzly Tri yesterday.  
1000 yd swim, 20k bike, 5k run. 

As you know, things/training hasn't bee the best.  I very nearly scratched, but... I paid my money and I'll be damned if I don't finish something I've committed to.

So I get up around 6 am and it's 25 degrees!  My swim heat starts at 8:30 because I'm slow.  They always do slower to faster swim heats in this race.  By the time I get ready and get all my stuff together at 7:30, it was still only 30 degrees.

Anyway, I make it to the race, get my tires pumped up and transition area set up just in time to watch the first heat of swimmers.  There were quite a few women from my gym there for me to cheer on.  That was a good thing to do before I got started.

The first heat finally gets all done and we have about 45 seconds in the water.  Temp was pretty good, thankfully.  I really wasn't sure how it would go, but I only got passed by everyone once, and was out of the water in under 24 minutes!  Still second to last out, but still  over 2 minutes faster than last year.

Get out of the pool and run outside to the transition area where it is still SERIOUSLY cold.  I did wear a sweatshirt, but no pants.  I got to the mount spot, got on the bike, and the chain came off.  Put it back on, and as soon as I stepped on it, off again.  This happened twice.  I ended up pulling to the side of the road and took some extra time to be sure it was on, and this time I was able to go.  Did I mention that it was COLD outside?  No sooner did I get going than my legs started to get really cold and feet already started turning numb.  I had a tough time on the bike this year.  Pretty good headwind going out, and not much tailwind coming back.  Couple of good hills, but that's usually no big deal for me.  I ended up passing about 7 people on the bike, but my time was about 2.5 minutes slower than last year.  Should have been faster, but it was just too hard to make the legs go faster because they were so cold especially at first.  I feel kinda bad because the bike is what I'm usually best at.

Off the bike and into transition.  I can't find my feet.  I asked if anyone had seen them, because I had no evidence that they existed except for the shoes.  I walked a bit out of transition, then started running.  I took the sweatshirt and gloves off, but should have left the gloves on.  Body was mostly fine, but the hands were pretty cold.  If I'm lucky it was maybe 35 or 40 degrees by then.  Anyway, on to the trail I go (I rarely run trails except for this race.)  Finally getting into a bit of a groove, and who's there but a photographer!  I smile and ask if I smile nice would he promise to take a good picture.  He said I had a nice smile, which made me feel better.  A few yards later, the trail moves on to a steep hill up the side of the mountain, belovedly called THE HILL.  If you've not done it before, it can be pretty daunting.  This is about the time I started to feel my feet.  I ran up it a little way and then walked the rest of the way up it.  No sense in running it if I could walk it just as fast.  Finally reach the top, and I know it's all downhill from there.  Down the hill and just a few yards up is the turn-around and I'm able to pick up the pace a bit.  The run actually didn't suck so bad this time and I finished about 45 sec faster this year.

Anyway, by the time I get to the finish line, I'm surprised to see the time (I don't wear a watch or time myself at all and the bike computer wasn't working very well) and I realize it's a bit faster than last year.  So, all in all, an okay tri for me.  I felt like I actually put more into this one than I have yet because I was pretty tired and my calves actually cramped up a bit on me after the race - which is all but unheard of for me.

So, my splits were: swim 23:53; bike 51:27 (including T1); and run 30:31 (including T2) for an overall time of 1:45:41.  Last year when I felt better I did a 1:46:38.  Good enough.  I'd still like to do better, but don't we all?  I AM happy about the improvement in the swim and on the run, though.

Thanks for reading about my adventure in the frigid weather!  I'll let you know if I post any photos on my profile.  I don't have any pics of my own.

on 4/11/10 11:51 am
Congrats Linn,

Way to succeed!

I know what you mean about not feeling your feet.  I had a race last year that was exactly like that.
I never did get the feeling back into my feet until the race was over.  I stumbled and tripped a couple times.  The only sensation I had in my feet was the pins and needles feeling and that wasn't fun.

It sounds like you did a good job overcoming that and finished strong.

Good work


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Linn D.
on 4/12/10 1:30 pm - Missoula, MT
Thanks Scott,

I really felt like I went pretty hard, and though didn't bike as well, I'm happy overall.  Feeling the feet gets better as the weather gets warmer.  The next one is in August so should be better.

Kathy P.
on 4/11/10 3:22 pm - Port Orchard, WA
Congrats Linn! What a great accomplishment and an INSPIRATION!!!

Thans for sharing your adventure!
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning in
Africa, a lion wakes up.
It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle
when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

RNY 2/9/09  Buh bye Gallbladder 8/28/09; 100% EWL (181 lbs.) on 2/19/10;
Linn D.
on 4/12/10 1:32 pm - Missoula, MT

I felt like it WAS an accomplishment that day!

Cassie W.
on 4/11/10 8:37 pm
With those temperatures, I'm surprised you could even feel your legs on the bike!  Wow!  Congratulations on starting another triathlon season.  I've been so impressed that you've been able to find the training time given the rigors of the pharmacy program.  You really are in this for the long haul and set such a great example for everyone. 

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 4/12/10 1:38 pm - Missoula, MT
Thanks a bunch Cassie!

I really haven't had the time to train that I'd like, but it's important to me to keep up as best as I can.  It should be a little easier next school year (I'm hoping).  It also has helped a lot that I found out about the B12 and am taking care of that.  i sure feel a lot better most days.

The reason I continue to post is so that people see how long it's been since surgery and realize that the journey isn't just until the weight is gone - it's about our health for the rest of our lives

on 4/11/10 9:49 pm - Richmond, IN

Way to hang in there!  I'm always so impressed with you guys who do these triathlons. What dedication!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

Linn D.
on 4/12/10 1:41 pm - Missoula, MT
Thanks Jenny.

It's my way of staying motivated to keep the training up.  I'm not good at it, but it's still important to me to DO stuff consistently.

on 4/11/10 11:48 pm - Bloomington, IN
 Linn, congrats. on your finish.  It would have been easy to back out but you hung in there and did it.  Way to go!  Keep at it.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
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