on 4/4/10 4:08 am - Fort Worth, TX
OK Guys,

     If you have or are doing AT LEAST a 13.1 Half Marathon, 2.4 mile swim, or if you just ride and will be completing a Century Ride (100 Mile Ride) in 2010 and you have a desire to be a part of our racing team... Post_Op_PRs,  we are ready to roll. I have purchased our domain, . We have a temporary template up for now, while we are completing the design of the website, but at least we have the domain and site registered and active now. Here is what I need from you in an email to me at [email protected] : (Feel free to copy n paste this template in your email to me)

***MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE $20 Anually, and will need to be paid BEFORE we can put your BIO up on the website.*** (Please let me know if you have a PAYPAL account, otherwise I will add to the website a Merchant Services function that will take Visa / Mastercard and Debit cards)

1) Full Name:
2) Do you want an email address?
3) If you do want that email, which email address / account do you wanted it pointed at (Your current email address)
4) Your favorite picture of yourself for your BIO:
5) Your scheduled races for this year:
6) Past accomplishment highlights:
7) In 3-4 sentences, what you would like the public to know about you and your journey
8) Shirt Size:

We will have the shirt selections & Colors available for discussion in our next group chat! Hopefully, we can have that on Wednesday of this week @ 6pm PST, we need to get this done ASAP...

We have multiple sponsorships secured and we will getting this thing on the ground within 1-2 weeks. I am ready to place the shirt orders when we finalize style and brand, these will be at an additional cost aside from membership dues and pricing will be predicated upon the selections you all decide upon for yourselve**** me up with any questions / comments / concerns....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Scott William
on 4/4/10 1:40 pm
Did I miss something with the 13.1 mile run, 2.4 swim or 100 bike? I really had no intention of doing any of these this year. Does that mean that I can't pay the dues to be on the team and buy a shirt?

What's wrong with a commitment to a healthy, active post-operative life style. In 4 years, I have completed 4 marathons, 14 halves including 2 goofys and completed over 60 races but have set a different goal for this year. I kind of feel like I paid my dues as far as the qualification to be on the team.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 4/4/10 8:52 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Scott,

     It was determined on a couple of our chat discussions that this was the criteria for being on the team. Bro, anyone who has done as many halfs, Goofy Challenges, marathons as you have, doesn't need to think twice about the qualification to be on the team... You are racing throughout the year and are an inspiration to everyone here, the team would not be complete without you my friend...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

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