Monday Workouts

on 4/4/10 9:40 pm - Richmond, IN
Mornin' everyone! It's going to be a busy day for me, so I wanted to be sure and get my accountability done!

Did almost 40 minutes of lap swimming this morning. I'm trying to go a little longer each time. I'm pooped, but it's a good poop!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 4/4/10 11:11 pm
 Great job Jenny!!!  I haven't been swimming in so long...I have been doing my cardio in the gym...but warmer weather is coming, so I will start swimming outside in the afternoon and doing gym stuff in the am.
My workout was legs, shoulders, tri's and abs
10 min warm-up
Squats on bosu, knee up's on bosu with shoulder press, leg press, calf press, bicycle crunches...x2
10 min on treadmill 4% incline 3.5 speed
shoulder press with barbell, shoulder raises with dumbbell, upright row, oblique side bends...x2
10 min on treadmill 4% incline 3.5 speed
tricep extension, tricep pull down, tricep dips, ab machine...x2

Hope everyone had a great weekend, kids are on spring break so maybe the beach later..

Sue M.
on 4/5/10 2:30 am - Nantucket, MA
rest day.

Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 4/5/10 4:16 am - Lebanon, OH
8 mile run this morning b4 work and 45 minutes of lifting at lunch. Bi's,tri's,and shoulders.
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
on 4/5/10 6:05 am - WI
Back at Bally's today after week off due to the cellulitis in my leg. Yep I wore my compression stockings today and made me alot hotter. Sure did alot more sweating today. I did only the elipitical at the gym and did 65 min burn 831 calories, 6.33 miles came home and did ball exercises 100 push ups, 200 sit ups and 200 side twist w/weight balls.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 4/5/10 6:38 am
I reluctantly swam 20 minutes in the pool. ( I don't care for swimming and I'm not good at it)
Ran sprint intervals on the treadmill for 25 minutes (2.5 minutes 5k pace, 1.5 min sprint)
upper body weight lifting (20 minute)

Burned somewhere north of 700 cal

Kathy P.
on 4/5/10 8:50 am - Port Orchard, WA
60 minutes on eliptical at gym. Was thinking of a late afternoon run, but it is POURING out!
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning in
Africa, a lion wakes up.
It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle
when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

RNY 2/9/09  Buh bye Gallbladder 8/28/09; 100% EWL (181 lbs.) on 2/19/10;
Katie H.
on 4/5/10 9:12 am - Charlton, MA
rowing for a warm up (2249meters)
lifting (bench, assisted chin ups, dead lift)
knee lifts & knee lift twists on roman chair

after work I couldn't resist running...a nice little 1.66 mile run at the dam on this gorgeous day! we're supposed to hit the 80's on wednesday, can 't wait!!

"Running has the power to change your life. It will make you fitter, healthier, even happier."   ~Selene Yeager, "Let's Get Started," May 2010 issue of Runner's World

on 4/5/10 10:04 am - Canada
Fever + chills + headache + feeling like I got run over bt a truck = unplanned rest day.

on 4/5/10 10:26 am - Montgomery, NY
 epsom salt bath.. ice..  epsom salt bath...  more ice..  starting to feel normal :)  

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