Plantar Fasciitis- What to do?

on 3/29/10 3:37 am - National City, MI
Ok folks, I know there are alot of runners on here and I'm looking for some opinions. I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis two weeks ago.. Doc told me to take a couple weeks off from running to see if it will heel. I did and it felt better until Sunday when I did a 5K. Hit my heel on the edge of a pothole and I was right back to square one. Now here's my problem: I go to the Doc again on Wednesday for a re-check and he has talked of using a cortisone injection. I have a very important run coming up on April 17th (for the military) that I cannot afford to miss. So, what I'm wondering is has anybody had the cortisone shot for this and is it worth it? Will it get me back on track to make my run in April? Opinions would be greatly appreciated.
on 3/29/10 4:14 am - Fort Worth, TX
A Cortisone shot will hide the pain but not fix your problem. At work, if you have a desk job... Take a golf ball and after you remove your shoe, roll the golf ball under your foot. PF is a result of shortening in the Fascia, it can be caused by many things but typically comes as a result of tight calf muscles. STRECTH STRETCH STRETCH!!!! Go to a running store and purchase SPENCO GREEN inserts (The full length NOT 3/4 or 1/2 length, and replace the sole in your shoes, (Running and everyday shoes) with this, it will help a ton! I ran 76 with PF and it sucked, but over time it healed with good stretching, masssage, and the shoe inserts ($18). Best of luck....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 3/29/10 7:25 am
 I have PF in both feet, not much fun right now, doc told me to stay off the treadmill and the elliptical for a month, not at all happy about that.  I did however go and buy myself a new pair of shoes with some new inserts, I am hoping that helps a little.  The guy at the store told me about the ball trick, I am going to try that.
As far as the Cortisone shot, my WLS doc told me I could not have it, I have had it before, and it did block the pain, but that was before surgery.

on 3/29/10 8:02 am - Los Angeles, CA

Another thing that you could do is to buy you some KT tape (Big 5, Sports Chalet or Sports Authority).  The insert shows you how to apply the tape to your foot. Just make sure that your skin is dry and free of any type of lotion or else the tape will not stick to your skin properly.   I have PF in my left foot and I love, love, love this tape.  It has gotten to the point that I use it just about everyday.  Can you say no pain?

Good luck.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 3/29/10 11:33 am - WI
I have 3 cortizone shots in both of my heels and it helps with the pain and inflammation. I also had to have special inserts for inside of my shoes. I wear new balance shoes.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Kathy P.
on 3/29/10 4:20 pm - Port Orchard, WA

                Sorry for the pain you are having! About four months Pre Op, until about a month post op, I had very severe PF. To the degree that in the middle of the night for those bathroom trips, I literraly crawled. The pain was so severe that I was in tears when I had to stand.  As the day went on, the tendons, etc. loosened up, but DAMN! After being off my feet for a couple hours, then having to get back on them...killer!
                  I did the golf ball under the feet, like Dan suggests. I also got some good gel arch supports, which really only helped a bit.  What I found the most helpful during that time frame was doing the stretching that I found from "Googling" on the web.  Every chance I had, I would stand on steps, with just the balls of my feet on the stair, and let the back of my foot drop down. Of course this stretched the calves, but also lengthened the tendons in the feet, which helped quite a bit.  
                  I did not to shots, or Ibuprofen. Just a lot of massage and stretching.  After a couple of weeks of really stretching, the pain was gone.

Hope you are able to find something that works for you. It's a horrible pain!!!

Good luck!
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning in
Africa, a lion wakes up.
It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle
when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

RNY 2/9/09  Buh bye Gallbladder 8/28/09; 100% EWL (181 lbs.) on 2/19/10;
Rob S.
on 3/29/10 9:43 pm - DE
I have just recovered from plantar.  I went to a chiropractor and got deep massage therapy, electrical stimulation and  accupuncture.  He also taped me up with Spyder tape.  I have also been using Sole DK+ inserts, which mold to your feet when you bake them.  Under a month the pain has disappeared, and I was able to run the whole time with the treatments.  I roll  a tennis ball at work to keep the foot stretched.  So, I guess what I am saying is find a chiropractor quick.  Good luck to you.
on 3/29/10 9:53 pm - Long Island, NY
I agree with everyone on the stretching - it is key! I also went to the podiatrist and had custom orthotics made and they are like a miracle. Another item you could try is a strassburg sock (you can google it - amazon and other places sell them). You can wear it when you are sitting around relaxing and it give a continuous gentle stretch that helps in the healing.

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on 3/29/10 11:37 pm - National City, MI
Thanks for all the great advice everyone!! I am rolling a #3 Titleist under my foot as I type this! Glad my golf balls have found another purpose other than getting lost in the woods!!  
I've got an appointment with the doc and a massage therapist tomorrow and I'll be looking into getting some tape tonight. I'll be working on the stretching too. I'm going to try to hold off on the cortisone shot for now and see if all this stuff will work first.
Again, thanks for all the input!

on 3/30/10 6:31 am - Milwaukee suburb, WI
I used to jog regularly at 220lb prior to WLS.  Did it for a couple of years, then got PF (yes, it does suck).  I opted not to do cortisone b/c there's not clear data that it will help &, in some cases, it actually makes it worse.  Google pros & cons or something to that effect before you decide.

I had custom-made orthotics made.  I had tried store bought ones & they didn't personally help me, maybe 5 - 10% improvement tops.  The custom ones improved it about 50%.  Exercises - I was also told about the golf ball or tennis ball.  Nice to do while sitting around b/c you're sitting around anyway.  Another stretch is toe raises, hanging off of a stair.  My dr also suggested that prior to getting out of bed in the morning & also after the shower when the tendon is particularly warm & therefore more pliable, run your fingers down the length of the tendon in succession to help stretch it out.  Be gentle with how much pressure you use to start, particularly in the morning.  PF is actually an inflammation of the plantar fascia tendon.  It is SO inflammed that it causes microscopic tears in the tendon.  The tendon siezes up, you walk &/ or run on it, elongating the tendon past what it can currently handle (hence stretching is vital) & you create more small tears, which leads to more inflammation.  The evil cycle continues . . .

Good luck.  I got my orthotics from a prosthetics dept & you may be able to have your dr write a referral for it to be covered by insurance. 

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