Sat Race Report

Jeff B.
on 3/27/10 7:52 am - Gilbert, AZ
Happy Saturday all! 

I wanted to give a report on my marathon from this morning. Of course started out with a wrestless nights sleep (good thing I got 7.5 in the night before). Wake up and slam some electrolytes, berries (anti's) and two tangerines. I grab a few handfulls of Kashi and fill the water bottles and am out on the road.

My first split at 6.55 was solid (around 1:22). Unfortunately when I stopped my watch after the run, I screwed up my splits but I roughly remember what they were. I felt great, punded an orange, cliff bar and reloaded my hydration and was back to the pavement. The second 6.55 I felt a little sore on my legs but nothing out of the ordanary. I come in the second split around 2:52. Same fuel and food as loop two and am back on the road.

The third loop I crushed! I paced at 11:14 minute miles for 4.5 and when I realized what I was doing, I backed down to 12:25. I'm still 270lbs so to you runners, my times may seem like a crawl but to me, I have flames off of my feet! Mile 22  I hit a bit of a wall and really slow my pace but keep moving. With just 3.2 miles to go, I was at 4:52. It felt like a death march the last 3.2 miles bringing me at 5:42:17 for the day. I am overall happy with my time, I just need to remember that for a big dude, I'm not going to be bringing in 3 and 4 hour times. So keeping everything in context, I am very pleased. Also, I walked less than a mile for the entire run, so although slow, a personal victory there. I think a lot had to do with my energy level. Three days ago I switched to the thrive diet. I cannot believe how amazing I have felt and I think for being underprepared in my running, it really showed.

Prior to the marathon, the longest run this season that I did was 11 miles, so I really wasn't ready for this distance. My base for a half was very strong. I had been running about 20-25 miles a week and working on strength, speed and endurance. For today, my attitude was positive, I knew that I could do it and there was never a question in my mind that the outcome would be anything but a finish; regardless of where my training was. So a personal victory there.

Finished the run, recovery drink, some ice, shower and our 12th anniversary date tonight. About the best Saturday I've had ever! 

Looking a head, I cannot wait to get this last 100lbs off. I am pleased to be so active at my weight. But I am litterally crawling out of my skin and uncover what type of an endurance athete is under this shell. I have to think that if i can keep my base up throughout my weight loss, I will be as strong as any age grouper out there. Look out you 35-40 racers, I'm comin for ya!

on 3/27/10 8:08 am - Fort Worth, TX
Good Job Bro! Proud of you man... The mental toughness of doing a solo 26.2 is pretty insane. I usually get a big push from the crowd yelling at me, bands playing, aid stations etc that are typical fare at a big race, but to not have those things and endure solo is sick. KUDOS bro... U da man. PS, We are in the same AG this year... Come n get me
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Jeff B.
on 3/27/10 3:06 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Dude, when I'm at my goal you know we have like 30 years of putting the beat down on each other. That's going to be half the fun of our races. The old loser pays for breakfast over golfing bets. Soon enough it's gonna be on man. 

Linn D.
on 3/27/10 8:09 am - Missoula, MT
Congrats, Jeff!

No doubt from this end that there would be a finish.  I've been there myself (undertrained and did it anyway).  Glad you had a great day.  Have some fun tonight, and celebrate all the wonderful things in your lives!

Jeff B.
on 3/27/10 3:07 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Hey thanks Linn and yea, that undertraining feeling is not really present until mile 23. Then it hits you in the face! 

on 3/27/10 8:33 am - Cumming, GA
great stuff, i'm very impressed!
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 3/27/10 9:31 am - Montgomery, NY
 dude, did I read that right?  you are 270 and ran a full 26?  Seriously impressive man, you are already a force!  

Jeff B.
on 3/27/10 3:09 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Thanks Andrew, but the only force I am is gravity yankin my dogs on the pavement! Soon enough I'll contend but for now, I'll enjoy training with this 100lb backpack on strength gains from it. Thanks again man.  

on 3/27/10 11:28 am - Bloomington, IN
 Way to go Jeff.  I'm proud of you.  Doing 26.2 at 270lbs. is pretty impressive.  You're a machine.  Oh, happy anniversary.


                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
Jeff B.
on 3/27/10 3:11 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Thanks for the encouragment in my post earlier this week Duane. It was all about stretching myself beyond the limits and I'm really glad I did it. It would have been so easy to bag the full and just run a half but I couldn't do that. Now just trying to ice the knees and gear up for a brutal 2mile run in the am. I'd rather gouge my eyes out but I know it needs to be done.

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