Now I'm stressing

on 3/21/10 1:48 am, edited 3/21/10 1:49 am
Stressed about my upcoming 70.3
I still have time to train or alter my training, but what I thought was going to be a doable effort now looks like an absolute disaster.

So after my ride yesterday, which took about 4 hours, I came to the conclusion that there is no way I would have been able to run 13.1 miles.  I'm still sore today.  The hills absolutely kill me and bring me to almost a stop.  On the flats I was able to hang with the better riders, but on the hills (mile 37ish), I sucked so badly.  At one point I had to get off and walk the rest of the way up the hill.

I went back and looked at the two rides.  My Metric yesterday, and the bike course for my upcoming 70.3.  Certainly the Metric was 10 miles longer, and had 700 more feet of climbing, but the max grade on the Vineman is 7% more than the century.

Here are the stats and links to the two rides.
Starts in: Sebastopol, CA
Distance: 64.4 mi
Elevation: + 4368 / - 4364 ft
Max Grade: 18.2 %

Starts in: Guerneville, CA
Distance: 55.6 mi
Elevation: + 3641 / - 3583 ft
Max Grade: 25.9 %


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 3/21/10 1:57 am - Fort Worth, TX


    Get in the gym and work REALLY hard on doing Leg Presses the next couple weeks. Your 1st workout will be 5 sets... 60 reps x 5 sets at LOW weight.... (Maybe 90 pounds) Each progresive work out, add 30 pounds...

What about gearing? Are you trying to push a bigger gear with low cadence up the inclines, or smaller gears spinning fast up them? Are you comfortable getting out of the saddle? Or are you doing all seated climbs?

Also, you need to "Brick" EVERY ride right now. Even if it is for 10 minutes, hop off the bike and run 1 mile to get the feeling of coming off the bike to run. Really, after about 1-2 miles for me off the bike, my legs come to me and I can run pretty good, just because I am "Used" to the feeling.

It just sounds like you need to put more volume in on the bike, varing long slow base rides with hill repeats and speed intervals. YOU GOT THIS BRO!!!


Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 3/21/10 3:16 am - Northern, CA
You've got 17 (or is it 18?) weeks! It's kind of early to be thinking you aren't going to make it. :-;

My first 70.3, OTOH, is in 6 weeks and I am still not 100% on the calf. (Shrug). This is what I tell myself: I've biked the distance and swam the distance and I've done an 8 hour workout so I'll be okay. I may have to walk a lot of the run, but I'm sure I can get through it.

I would recommend strongly that you talk to your coach about it. You don't want to panic and start over-training. That is at least partially what led to my injury last fall which then led to having to DNF what would have been my first 70.3 because I was in pain even just walking.

Also, I can tell you that after my first metric century, whi*****luded a little trip over the back of Marshall's wall, I was BEAT. But once you do one bike ride at that distance, the next time is much easier. So now you've exercised for 4 hours and biked more than the distance of your 70.3. That puts you in a good place.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 3/21/10 11:00 am - Bloomington, IN
 Scott, I really feel for you.  I know that area well.  If I wanted to get some practice on hills I'd go to the Marin Headlands and hammer them until I beat them.  You train hard and are serious about your sport.  You'll do fine.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
on 3/22/10 1:05 am
There is a 126 mile ride this weekend.  I don't plan to give up, just getting a little discouraged.  I thought I had been training pretty well.  My run mileage had increased, and I had done a few 35-45 mile rides.  Those extra 10-20 miles really kicked my ass and made me start to doubt my ability to finish.  I was absolutely done when I finished that ride.

Oh well I guess we will see how the 126 mile ride goes.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Jeff B.
on 3/22/10 2:17 pm - Gilbert, AZ

My friend, I want to tell you a personal story. One day I was surfing and decided with some friends to paddle out in one of the biggest swells of the decade. I labored on the beach for an hour and the sets only got bigger. I finally hit the channel and paddle out. Mind you it's about 15 foot average sets.

I was in the water for a few sets and my buddy and I looked around and it was just us. Kind of eerie in such crazy settings with such a high tide. So he screams and paddles franticly and if any of you surfers out there hear what I am about to type, your stomach should sink to your ankles... (insert "F-BOMB) Outside.

Man, I paddle and it seemed like I was climbing for 10 seconds over this first mountain only to see to my horror at least five more swells. Of course my buddy being smart, catches the first one and I am remembering that I am totally alone, frantically paddle over the second and if any of you know waves or surfing, the middle sets are the largest. I think to myself either I paddle over all of these and I'll be stuck a mile out in the middle of the ocean with sharks and no waves to pull me in, or I catch wave number three and try to drop in and bottom turn. I drop in but it is too fast, so I cut down and try and get some speed when a back wave comes up and launches the wave another 7-10 feet. If this was on video, I swear I'd be a millionaire by now. I'll spare you the part about basically dying and seeing the bright lights, but it truly did happen.  

So the moral of the story Scott. I completely psyched myself out standing and staring at the water for those hours.I had the same crossroads again paddling over wave number two.  I should have just paddled out and gotten it over with. I should have caught wave two.  You need to do the same man and just realize that you are registered and there is no turning back. You are probably strong enough that if race day was tomorrow, you would figure it out.

Dude this story is waaaaaayyyyy too long, I'm sorry but you get the idea man. You can totally psych yourself out and worry over it. Or, you can do as Dan suggests and make it really simple and train. Not over train, just get your base up and get used to bricking.

Lastly. Before Orlando 70.3, I had not ran even one mile for 60 days. I had a sprained ankle and couldn't get out of the saddle. Mind you that race was pretty flat. However, I had committed to finishing and sure enough I did. As Dan how many times I stressed out during the run about me not finishing at the cut off. He basically had to run cause he was losing the will to live over it. Now, my time was 7 hours, and terrible and I was almost 300lbs but I did it. Get your little skinny butt out and brick and get your race done.

You got this man for sure! No more posts about this, you have ton's of help and support around you, you can do this. Make your decision and then there is no more deciding about it. However, I do know where you are at with this. Again, ask Dan how many discussions we had about me being unprepared. He probablIy dreaded every time he saw my number. Don't make that mistake I did and stress for the last three months of preparation. a 70.3 (even challenging) is a lot easier than you think. Unless you are running St. Croy, then I recant my novel here. 

Game on buddy, you got it in the bag here... and this is what makes the Post Op PR group strong. Members like you forging ahead. Now there's some pressure.  

on 3/22/10 11:23 pm
Thanks for the input guys & girls.
I guess it was just a dose of reality.  I thought I was prepared.  Then I had a miserable day and started thinking I had just signed up for a day of defeat based on that one performance.  I still have time to train and I'm going to get after it.



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Jeff B.
on 3/23/10 4:17 am - Gilbert, AZ
Good man.
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