Do you think it's o.k. for an aerobics instructor be obese?

Linn D.
on 3/19/10 2:02 pm - Missoula, MT
I belong to an all women gym, and some of the instructors are much heavier than I am and give an amazing workout.  On the flip side, I know that even when I weighed 250# I could outdo many people half my weight because I was always active.  Don't let the size fool you.

Former smokers are the worst critics of smokers.  I think that often holds true with the formerly obese who change their lifestyle to include exercise.  Be careful of thinking that just because someone is overweight/obese they can't provide a good workout.  Try it first.  I've been to lots of classes where the "fit-looking" instructor couldn't get my heart rate up.

Jeff B.
on 3/19/10 2:23 pm - Gilbert, AZ

I think if the workouts are strenuous enough to challenge you then I would say thumbs up. If the instructor is doing 5 jumping jacks and then taking a break and hitting a diet coke, I'd be concerned! 

I'd be curious if you take a class how it was. Keep us posted.

Jeff Benintendi


on 3/20/10 1:43 am
Never let someone tell you that you aren't allowed to feel how you feel, but .. the fact that you are questioning your own reaction tells you something.  Honestly I wouldn't hesitate to take his class.  It sounds like he is a popular instructor so he must make the class fun (otherwise why would it be full?).  If it is already part of your gym membership, try it.  Worst case scenario, you really don't like it & you can leave.  Just start out at the back of the room so if you do leave, you don't disrupt the class.  Good luck with whatever you decide.
on 3/20/10 1:44 am - TX
I get what you are saying and I've been in a similar situation. I'm in off season (will train for a marathon soon) and I'm trying to mix things up while keeping myself in tip top shape. I looked into taking one of the aerobic classes at my gym, but the instructor is overweight. I can't help, but think her class must be sort of a "light aerobic" class and I'm looking into something a little more intense. However, I think sometimes you can make the most of it, by going a little faster, making your moves larger, or adding hand weights. I've been overweight and I never in a million years would have the guts to lead as an instructor. You do have to admire them for taking that step. I'm sure he is probably very motivating. I think I'm going to try the one at my gym. You never know....she may kick my butt. LOL! Best wishes to you!!
Scott William
on 3/20/10 2:11 am
Honestly, yes I do think that you are being a bit obnoxious and mean.  If the calss is pretty full, he is doing something right and being heavy does not mean he it out of shape. 

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 3/22/10 7:11 am - NC
Ok so I'm a little late on this thread...I saw an interesting documentary one day.  They were studying sumo wrestlers and their eating/exercise/health.  The findings were remarkable.  Their fat was almost solely subcutaneous (under the skin).  They had little to no fat internally around their organs.  They spoke to cardiologists who likened their cardiovascular condition to the world's top athletes.  Their fat was due to their diet.  Their strenuous exercise regime kept them healthy though!  It was a neat documentary.
on 3/27/10 8:56 am
Pre-op and post-op I've gone to group fitness classes where the instructor has been overweight/obese, and the same thought ran through my head... "Am I really going to get a workout here?" and I know for me, I wasn't comfortable with becoming a group fitness instructor until I had achieved my goal weight. Now when I stand in front of my classes, I feel comfortable and confident, without concern that I'm not able to challenge my students with workouts I lead. I think I could have done it heavier too, because I've always been an active person, but personally wouldn't have had the confidence.
I took a belly dancing class last year from an instructor was was near MO. She came right out and said "You can lose weight from belly dancing, but I choose not to watch what I eat." I appreciated her honesty. Sadly, the class moved so slow paced (I think due to her limitations in fitness) that I didn't find any cardiovascular benefit, and there wasn't a way to intensify it without messing up the flow of class, so I simply went for fun. So like anything, it all just varies and depends!
Make a pregnancy ticker  
  Hit goal 10/31/09!  RNY!!!

on 3/28/10 6:21 am
This is the first post I have read in this forum and I am very bothered that people are ripping on the SG because of her weight.  Obesity is a DISEASE and just because we have lucked out and are managing our disease (for now, none of us are immune from having a reoccurance), doesnt give us the right to judge people because they arent managing theirs as well (but then again, maybe she is and could weight 600 lbs otherwise).  Its like giving her a hard time cause she has asthma and still uses her rescue inhaler. 

Very bothersome...very wrong...
I would much rather have her then someone who has never had any sort of health struggle.

As for the original it wrong?  Its wrong if you think it is.  Lots of people judge overweight people.  You were judged when you were overweight...if you feel it is wrong to do it yourself, then it is.  If you are cool with it, then I guess you dont have anything to worry about. 

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