HELP!! Need To Get Motivated and Stay Consistant

on 3/15/10 2:19 am

Hello all.....

I'm new to this forum, glad you guys are here. I had my vsg on 2/910 and haven't got into a routine of exercise yet. Ive never liked exercise and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Please give me some tips!!! I want my surgery to be successful and I know exercise is definately key to that success.

on 3/15/10 3:49 am - Lebanon, OH
Start slow and find something you like....or can tolerate. Set goals that you can reach. You will find the more small goals you reach the better you will feel about yourself.
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
Kathy P.
on 3/15/10 6:54 am - Port Orchard, WA

I had my RNY on 2/9/09. I walked a bit, but nothing major, and definatley not every day. I was lost. However, on 4/1/09, I joined the YMCA with a good friend of mine. She's a nurse, so I thought, "If I am working out and have a heart attack, she will be right there to help!"  I know, I know...irrational thoughts, but it happens.

Anyway, I made a target of 3 times per week to go and get on a bike, or walk track or both.  I worked up to 7 days per week, which was a bit tough for me with my family and schedule and such. However, I kept it up for about a month.  I was getting a bit bored with the bike, but MY WEIGHT LOSS WAS INCREASING AND I WAS FEELING STRONGER.  My friend eventually bugged out on me .. so I neede to keep myself motivated.

So, I added swimming for 15 minutes...then tried an eliptical (that was tough...I was not coordinated).  But after a time, I began to enjoy it.

So my suggestions (what has worked for me):

I journal my workouts (time, distance, calories burned).
I try to set new goals every other week-I try to beat myself (I try to go further, or go longer, or both).
I cross train - alternate eliptical, bikes, running (started in October) weights, swimming (had to get over the swimsuit embarrassment, but everytime I had to get a size smaller...was a great nsv).

Changing it up, trying new things, setting new personal goals, having a buddy to go with, and music.... all works for me.

Once you start....and get into a groove, you will find it addicting!

Good luck

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning in
Africa, a lion wakes up.
It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle
when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

RNY 2/9/09  Buh bye Gallbladder 8/28/09; 100% EWL (181 lbs.) on 2/19/10;
on 3/15/10 11:21 am
Not that I am an expert by any means....but my main motivation was that I was not loosing any weight depite being early in the honeymoon most days my motivation is still the same(weight loss) as well as chasing that 'high' I get when I do the workout. It lifts my mood and curbs my appitite..honestly I just take it one workout at a time and try not to project into the future like  'how can I possibly keep this up?' 

I also make sure I have good party music going on my mp3 to motivate me to keep going.If I was able to loose lots of weight w/o exercising, I wouldnt have started at all...but I feel proud and strong that I can workout for time and intensity that I have never been able to in all of my life! I am just starting small and working my way up.

You all remind me of all of these things I am saying if and when I  post about not wanting to go to they gym! lol
Kathy P.
on 3/15/10 12:58 pm - Port Orchard, WA
There ya go! You're a rock star!
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning in
Africa, a lion wakes up.
It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle
when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

RNY 2/9/09  Buh bye Gallbladder 8/28/09; 100% EWL (181 lbs.) on 2/19/10;
on 3/15/10 1:10 pm - Fort Worth, TX
First of all... WELCOME!!! Congrats on your surgery. Excercise is VITAL for long-term success indeed. Fortunately / unfortunately the motivation has to come from YOU. Focus on the reasons you had surgery and use that as motivation. We will give you all the support / encouragement you need, but when the alarm rings to get up and make it happen, it's up to you to hit "Snooze" or get up and do something. Take care...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 3/16/10 12:51 pm - New York, NY
I found the return to exercise very scary!  I decided I had to find somehting I enjoy.  I'm not good at exercising alone and didn't want to rely on workout buddies.  I decided to focus on group fitness classes and found something I love, which turned out to be boxing!  I did a boxing class at a gym once a week.  When my weight loss plateaued I added an extra work out a week, this time it was a body pump class (light weights lots of reps).  The instructor was hot and that was extra motivation, lol.   Each time my weight loss plateaued I would add an extra day until I was at 5 times a week and doing a mixture of boxing, body pump, circuit training and yoga! 

A big realization for me was when I asked one of the slim girls why she came to the gym every day as she was already slim and she told me it was because she wanted to stay slim - talk about lightbulb moment, lol.  That was when I finally accepted that regular exercise has to become part of my life - just like going to work.

Next was keeping this sustainable.  I work long hours so can't keep to an evening workout schedule. It's worked out well for me to exercise before work.  It was a shock to the system at first but now I try and convert everybody to morning training!  I'm now stronger and fitter than I've been through my entire adult life and it feels amazing!  I am now addicted to it and really miss the ache if I don't exercise for a few days or dont push myself.

on 3/17/10 8:40 am
HEY!! We have the same surgery date!! WOOT! We are twiners!! hehe

I started from the day I had surgery with walking minutes (upwards to 5-10 minutes) at a time. I have tried to keep that up.

This last six days I have not done ANYTHING! I have notice that the scale hasn't moved at all. So bad me! hehe

I just grabbed my dog and take him for walks in the morning, afternoon, and night. I made the 20 minutes at first and would time myself so I walked for 10 minute away from my house and then walked 10 minutes back. Then I found the C25K program and have LOVED that!! C25K Link

You have to make it a priority. How badly do you want to lose weight and get healthy? It's all on you.

This is a GREAT board filled with people that truly are there to offer support and help, but in the's all about you!! You have to have the drive to do it and keep doing it.

Good luck and hope to read more posts about you getting healthy and active!!

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.  ~Michael Jordan 
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
 "Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn
onerland-2.jpg My Onerland!! picture by minnlay
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