Okay I Finally Realize... and then ?

Lynn J.
on 3/12/10 1:47 am - Memphis, TN
I love to exercise.  I have been continuously for the past 7 months 4 to 5 times a week at least and hour of aerobics, treadmill, bike riding outside, something anything to keep active.  One thing i also realize is i don't want to do the fill thing anymore, i haven't lost a pound in about a year, but the throwing up thing has just turned me so off until i don't want to work my band anymore.  I already can't eat bread, white meat chicken, potatoes, and some fruits especially mushy things so i figure with that i am done.  My question is even though i have been working out i still weigh the exact same thing 260 lbs.  I mean after 7 months come on.  I mean i am losing inches for sure i can see it in everything i put on even my underwear, shoes, bras, but the scale still says 260 lbs.  What gives?  Any help would be good and even though i have lost nothing i am not gonna quit.


 Take that obesity!


on 3/12/10 2:42 am - Richmond, IN
This is frustrating, I know. Same thing is happening with me. I know, though, that I feel 100% better when I'm exercising, and reading the posts of the awesome people here (and how their workouts put mine to shame!), makes me want to keep on keepin' on. I know I'm healthier, I feel great, I look 100% better than I did two years ago, so I'm just going to keep eating healthy and exercising, and the scale be darned. I have obsessed over it just like you are, and it's just not worth it. I will keep checking periodically to make sure it doesn't go up, but other than that, I'm just going to enjoy where I am and LIVE, rather than having my mood dictated by the number I see on the scale in the morning. I did that for too long, and I'm not doing it any more.

You know in your heart that you're doing what you need to do. Physiologically, I don't understand it either. But, it is what it is. Hang in there, girl.

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 3/12/10 3:49 pm - Northern, CA
Are you tracking your food? If you don't log your food, you can easily be eating more than you think.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 3/14/10 8:07 am

Perhaps the best advice that can be given is really three fold:

1 - Consider seeing a Registered Dietician.  I'm not talking about anything like Weigh****chers.  I mean someone who has gone to school to learn how the body utilizes food in what manner.  Probably the best thing my dieitician did for me was not to monitor my food intake (though she definitely does that), but to show me how to pair certain foods.  That is something that none of the weight loss centers (insert name here .. there were a TON of them) never taught me.  Mine is actually covered by my insurance provider, but I also made sure she took my insurance before I stepped into her office. 

2 - Also, MacMadame is right.  Track your food so that you know not only how many calories you are consuming, but also what nutrients you are getting - proteins, sugars, carbs, etc.  The rule of thumb I was given by my dietician was to keep both my sugars & fat <5 grams. 

3 - Make sure you are getting all of your water, protein, & vitamins.  It sounds silly, but I swear to you I can see a HUGE difference in my weight loss when I'm doing all of that & not.  You kind of can't help to be good with water, but remembering to take all of my protein & vitamins is a daily struggle for me.  I was at a stall, went to one of my support group meetings, & asked another lady if she was having any problems getting all of hers in.  We talked.  She convinced me to be vigilent with those 3 things.  She said she plateaus when she isn't good about them.  I started taking mine like I was supposed to (at that point I hadn't even bought my B vitamins).  I swear to you the scale moved almost immediately. 

I really think the dietician is the key answer.  They can review your food journals to give you ideas to help the scale move.  You are physically moving so it is undeniably NOT a lack of excercise.  I believe that maybe you need to be pairing your food differently at different intervals in the day??  That's what I'm thinking is probably behind your plateau.  Here is another thought - maybe you aren't getting enough calories??  I have been through that before.

I wish you luck!

- Sherry

on 3/14/10 5:29 pm - Northern, CA
Oh and the other thing is... you might actually be OVER filled. Some of my banded friends found this out. They couldn't get this and that down but weren't losing weight. It turned out, they were overfilled and so they were eating a lot of slider food because the healthier food wouldn't go down.

Something to ask your surgeon about...

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

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