What do you think if your exercise instructor is SMO

theresa R.
on 3/6/10 1:37 am - Van Wert, OH
Today I went to a morning spinning class at out local Y...I attend the weekday class with a great instructor that is as fit as they come...and I leave there feeling great about myself, knowing I kept up with her...today I walk into class and the instructor was about 5'5" and weighed every bit of 300#  I am not kidding!!  I felt cheated out of my workout...this was the lightest workout I have had in years and I left there feeling cheated!  Im just wondering if its just me, or do others think that a fitness instructor should have at least some level of fitness?  Am I just being biased?  I know I was fat at one time too, but I didnt ever think of trying to motivate others to fitness when I was so far from it

Theresa R. =)
LapBand Surgery $13,950-2 Year Gym Membership $795.-TummyTuck&Lip0 $9950.00
Seeing those skinny bitches from High School and never
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on 3/6/10 2:06 am - Canada
What if you had had the same workout with a buff instructor? Were there beginners in your class? I have never done a spinning class so I don't know if you have different levels. Sounds more like disappointment with the workout is what really got to you.

Have a look at professional coaches; plenty of them are overweight and out of shape, yet their knpwledge and insight into the game is what they get hired for. Would you have posted anything if that same instructor had worked you harder than anyone had before? Not likely, I think.

All of us here on this sight have been there. I think it's great that that person is comfortable enough with themselve and confident enough to go out and do that. Doesn't help you get the workout you want though. Having gone through that class once, you will know what to expect next time.


on 3/6/10 4:50 am - Fort Worth, TX
I honestly think IMHO, that your attitude is not very good about yout instructor. YOU control the intensity of your workout... If it's too easy, ADD MORE TENSION!!! If it's too hard, back off... I personally think it is AWESOME that a 300# instructor had the "Balls" to put Himself / Herself out there in the public eye and try to help others gain fitness while trying to do the same themself.

Regardless of how fit YOU think you are, there is ALWAYS someone MORE fit than you! Sorry but your attitude rubs me the wrong way!!!!! How do you know the instructor did not use to weigh 500 Pounds??? The judgement YOU casted on the instructor is the same judgement that is passed on SOOOOOOO many obese folks, and keeps them from going to the gym, or being seen in public trying to gain fitness. I wonder how you would feel if a fit instructor left a spin class that YOU attended when you were far from goal weight and said "There was a woman in my class today that weighed every bit of 300# and I was so embarassed for her?" Maybe a piece of humble pie is in order... Sorry, I don't mean to come of harsh, but I personally, think EVERYONE, has the right, whether fit or not, to try and improve themselves, and should have the ability to do that however he or she seems fit, WITHOUT having judgement cast on them, ESPECIALLY from someone who was once there themself! OK.... Off my soapbox... Have an awesome day and congrats on your success....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 3/6/10 5:52 am - Gig Harbor, WA
Some of those instructors at the Y are volunteers. The Y I go to has a water aerobics class that is taught by a volunteer. He is probably 300 pounds but he was 100 pounds heavier. His class is the most popular; because of his attititude.He knows everyone by name and cares about his "students".
I go to some zumab classes at the Y that are taught by sticks and I do not leave all that sweaty but when I go to one class by an instructor who is at or near goal now I am sweating like a pig! She has lost nearly 90 pounds since becoming an instructor.
The instructors weight aside if you do not like his style I bet there are lots of other options!
Beth N.
on 3/6/10 6:41 am - Grandville, MI
i have attended many a spin class without being able to keep up with the instructer and have always felt supported by the instructors even though i was over 300 # at the time .unfortunatly i was very hurt by one of the students who commented if someone couldnt keep up and do the class as instructed they shouldnt take up the space other higher level people should have.i am hurt still by this and have avoided this class untill after i lose weight .i will go back but its hard to not be hurt. perhaps review your intensity and your drive in the class not just what the teachers weight is.
Rob S.
on 3/6/10 8:56 am - DE

It's not great to feel you didn't get enough out of a spin class.  Some tmes if an instructor doesn't cut it, you just have to take matters into your own hand's and increase the intensity to outwork the instructor.  A skilled instructor plays to her audience and allows all the participants to feel like they are getting a supreme workout.
Why not talk to the instructor to find out their story?  Maybe let the instructor know that you didn''t get much of a workout, and would like to see it increased.  Keep Have a good day.

theresa R.
on 3/6/10 9:59 am - Van Wert, OH
I did do the workout at my own pace, keeping my bike tension high and going at a faster pace than what the instructor called for...and THREE times the instructor looked right at me and said..."if your tension is to high or pace to fast, back it off and rejoin the "group"  i felt as if working at my own pace was somehow coming across to her as being a showoff...not my intention...i simply didnt want to waste a workout

Theresa R. =)
LapBand Surgery $13,950-2 Year Gym Membership $795.-TummyTuck&Lip0 $9950.00
Seeing those skinny bitches from High School and never
looking better---$PRICELESS

on 3/6/10 10:16 am
I don't know if it's biased or not. But I feel similar to you.

I think if you are going to be a FITNESS instructor and help others to get fit and healthy then you should set a good example and be healthy yourself.

When I was getting my psychology degree there was a lady in my church that was getting her degree in physical fitness to teach school age children and she was at LEAST 3500-400lbs. And I thought that she was not a good role model for kids to look to in how to be healthy.

If people are going to be trainers, work in a gym and lead classes then they should be in shape.

Personal opinion.
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"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
 "Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn
onerland-2.jpg My Onerland!! picture by minnlay
on 3/6/10 12:01 pm - Fort Worth, TX

My brother, who was 290 pounds at the time, finished a 70.3 Ironman last year with me... If you have ever been to an Ironman, you will see women who are pretty big, but are finishing WAYYYYYY faster than some fit men. Don't judge a book by it's cover, fitness is tough to gauge by outer appearence, and again, how do you know the lady at your church that you say "Was not a good role model", lost a large amount of weight prior?

What you are saying is the same as saying that a person who struggles with Dyslexia should never aspire to be an English Teacher.  Or a person missing limbs should never aspire to be an athlete... Ever seen the Special Olympics? This world is big enough for all walks of life, and they deserve not to be judged, and should be allowed to follow their hearts desire. If they fail at being a trainer because of percieved fitness, at least they dared to follow their dreams, which is far greater than 95% of the human population... If someone does not enjoy a spin class because the instructor is bigger or is not as intense, dismount the bike and walk out, and hop on the treadmill or eliptical so you don't feel "Cheated", OR, deviate from the plan and do your own thing... To say that you felt "Cheated" in your workout kind of makes me chuckle...

It might be easy for someone to say "A psychologist?" "How can she teach others to overcome their harboured anguish or struggles, when the psychologist obviously can't control their own issues and is perhaps using food to burry his / her own troubles hence being Morbidly Obese"? It's easy to judge a book or cast stones at others, and I for one, would have loved to be at that spin class, and high five the instructor afterwards, and tell her how awesome she is... It's far easier to tear someone down to make ourselves feel better, than build them up, regardless of where they are at compared to you...

Personal opinion, and hey, I still luv ya ;)   I just think it's awesome the instructor was there to give a class, probably knowing full well she would have some criticism, and some people chuckle under their breathe at her.

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Scott William
on 3/6/10 2:24 pm
I disagree.  You are saying that people should look in shape because you can't tell if someone is really in shape or not.  I was a 330 lb college athlete and would have considered myself in shape.  Even when I got to 375 lbs, I was knowledgeable enough to instruct people on fitness related issues. 

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