The Cowtown ULTRA Marathon RACE REPORT...

on 2/28/10 12:36 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Before I say a word about the "Race", I have to say that today was a PERFECT day for a race!!! The morning started out at 4:30am when the alarm went off. I woke up, took a shower, took care of preping the feet, body glide in various places, and a cliff bar and peanut butter sandwich were on the breakfast menu, along with some Gatorade and a couple Salt Tabs. The best part about the day??? My wife, Christie, was running her first Half Marathon, which was awesome! After we both were ready, we loaded up the car, we headed Downtown and parked without complication or delay. It was a balmy 33 degrees at race start, so I had a cheap beenie on and a wind-breaker type Addidas jacket that I could ditch on the road if I got too warm. I chug a FRS, a salt tab as my wife and I stood hand in hand waiting for the race to start. The National Anthem is sung, then the Para-Athletes head off, then it was our turn. 20,000+ people this year at the races combined! WHOAAAA...

Within the first 2 miles, the sun had completed risen, and was shinning bright and clear, eliminating the need for my beenie and jacket, so they were removed and tossed. I love that they encourage you to discard your jackets along the route because the race volunteers collect them and donate the discarded clothing to battered women's and homeless shelters. The Half, Full, and Ultra Marathon share the same route for the first 8.5 miles, so I got to run with my wife for the majority of her race, and she did sooooo awesome. We averaged about 10:40 minute miles for the first 8.5 miles, which was a little slower than my desired pace, but nothing could top running with my wife. Once we split I picked up my pace a little bit and was averaging a comfortable 10 minute p/ mile pace. I have found in these longer runs, that aside from nutrition and hydration, pacing is the key, and running 31 miles would require a realistic and comfortable pace. The sun continued to shine, I was wearing a smile, and suprisingly feeling GREAT!!! Hard to imagine saying that, given the fact that 3 weeks ago I ran 76 miles at The Rocky Raccoon trail run.

I am in a groove, pace is great, hydration, electrolytes, and nutrition were MONEY! At mile 13.1 I pass by Active Spine & Sport, my Chiropractor, Dr. Brian Mulhall and Massage Therapist, Tim Tarpley's office, and they were out there with some good friends from my Tri Club, Tri Cowtown, cheering me on. I really don't have much to go into detail about, because the day was exceptional. I took a GU Roctane every 45 minutes, carried 30 OZ of Cytomax, a salt tab every 45 minutes, and rotated Gatorade and water at the aid stations. Running through the gorgeous neighborhoods near TCU was fantastic, and seeing so many familiar faces was great. At about mile 23, the Ultra Marathoners split from the Marathoners and do a 5 mile out and back along the Trinity Trail. A few miles before that I ran into my buddy Derek who also ran Rocky Raccoon a few weeks back, and his hips were'nt holding up as well and were pretty tender, but he was looking strong and pushing forward with his great positive attitude. I told him I would see him out on the trail and sure enough when I did, he was running and looking strong. I also saw a friend, Sarah, chugging along as I was passing the 25 mile marker, she was almost at 28... Super Strong!

As I hit the turnaround, I took a few minutes to walk, take in the rest of my Cytomax, another Salt Tab, and my last gel of the day (Thank goodness). My legs were pretty tender, but nothing that would prevent me from running in. I hit a few good hills in the last couple miles, and decided to walk up those, but ran the rest of the way in. As I hit downtown, I pick up my pace, and give it all I got for the last half mile. As I came running down Main, there were not a TON of people there because the majority of Marathon runners had already finished, so it was easy to spot my family, especially given the fact that my 6 year old Ayden, decided he would run through the finish line with me. Well, that was the plan my wife said, but once I got to him, about 200 yards from the finish, the little guy turns on after burners and sprints into the finish leaving me in the dust... It kind of gave me a chuckle but was super cool that he did that.... I love that boy. My wife went home, showered, and picked up the family and brought them back to watch me fini**** was great seeing them all there, along with my Mother-In-Law Grace, who is always so good to us. All-in-all, a WONDERFUL day. I truly had so much fun, loved every minute of being out there, did not hit "The Wall", and never had a "Low Point", which is tremendous. I had 3 Restroom stops throughout the day, which is no big deal and my total finish time was 5:39:20 which gave me an average pace of 10:55 p/ mile for 31 glorious miles. My time was not incredibly fast, but was steady, and I was never reduced to a walk, but it was good enough to earn me 4th in my division amongst 20+ athletes. My body is getting used to running longer distances and I love it! Speed will come with time, after all, I have only been running for less than 2 years. Last year I ran this race doing the Full Marathon (26.2 Miles) and averaged 10:11 miles, and I was about 15-20 pounds lighter. I have been trying to make muscle gains this winter, and will start cutting weight here shortly, but to keep pretty close to the same pace, with a little more weight to pull, and for 5 miles longer, I could not be happier. What a great day, a gorgeous sunny sky, a slight sun burn on the neck, and a sweet finisher's medal to me and my wife. She finished her first Half Marathon in 2:14:36. I cannot tell you how proud I am of her, and I can't tell you how excited I am to run another ULTRA SOOOOOOON. March 20th Grasslands 50 Mile trail run is on the plate next. Thanks for reading this lengthy report, thank you for your support and encouragement, and most of all, thanks for being my friend!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 2/28/10 1:29 pm - Gig Harbor, WA

WOW! I teared up reading the hand inhand with your wife and not minding to slow your pace a bit to stay with her; how sweet. I think I have talked myself into signing up for my firts half marathon. It isn't until the end of June so I have time to get the miles in.
You and the others that post really inspire me; thanks for doing it!

P.S You have a beautiful family!

Linn D.
on 2/28/10 2:08 pm - Missoula, MT
Sounds like you really did have a fabulous day!  Thanks for sharing, and keep reminding your wife how wonderful it is that she's doing this herself and how proud you are of her (as I'm sure you already do)!  

Take care Dan!

Cassie W.
on 2/28/10 7:23 pm

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 3/1/10 12:19 am - Richmond, IN
Great pictures, Dan, thanks for sharing them with us!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 3/1/10 12:21 am
 Way to Go!!!!  I teared up too....I am starting to run a little on the treadmill, you all are so inspiring!!!!  

on 3/1/10 12:29 am
Congrats Dan,

As usual a great race report.  Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Keep up the great work.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 3/1/10 4:09 am - Bloomington, IN
 Awesome job!  Congratulations to both you and Christie.  Alisica and I are proud of you guys.

                  "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
I run for those who can't or won't.  I run because I once was one of those people.         
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