Exercise for someone who currently does NO exercise and moves very little

on 2/25/10 10:18 pm
Would anyone have some advice on what exercises i could try?

I am at home 100% of the time and sleep a lot. I have no motivation and I'm lazy. I walk from bed, to couch, to fridge, to computer. That's about all the exercise i get. With that in mind, is there anything you can recommend for me to try at home?

I hate exercise with a passion and get bored quickly. I think that it's not making any difference and give up. I was told by a Doctor that you can basically eat what you want but exercise is the key, exercise exercise and more exercise.

I want to do something to help get my heart healthy, and exercises which will keep me burning calories once i am done. I'm interested in core workouts.

Thanks in advance
If you're going through hell, keep going. 
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
on 2/25/10 10:53 pm
I am also lazy myself and I bought a Wii Fit   and that is soo much fun.. you should try
on 2/25/10 11:32 pm
A good entry exercise program is the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds.  You can find them at most major retailers.  I have Comcast On Demand and they are also available there.

They have 1, 2 and 3 mile programs.

Good luck!

on 2/25/10 11:47 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Just get outside and walk to start with... Go get the mail, walk to the end of the street and back. Next day go a little farther, and keep repeating...  As for your statement "I have no motivation and I'm lazy", only YOU will be able to change that, and there is no easy pill, or way to dance around the fact that it takes HARD WORK to get results and KEEP THEM. Best of luck...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 2/26/10 5:08 am - TX
A wls  doctor or any doctor saying you can eat whatever you want is a big red flag. Yikes!!! The battle of obesity is much more than just working out.

I would suggest doing anything active that may interest you. You need to keep it fun or you won't do it. Be sure to mix it up or you will burn out. Best wishes!

on 2/26/10 5:33 am
Nicely put Dan!
I was going to say the samething.

How badly do you WANT to lose weight and get 'heart healthy'??

YOU have to decide if you are willing to open the door and put one foot in front of the other. It's seriously as simple as that.

If you have an MP3 player then you can get digi books to listen to while you walk or music, and even movies on MP3 players.

Post here daily on how far/long you walked that day. Let us encourage you and hold you accountable. That has always helped me knowing that others are watching and I'm being held accountable for what I am and am not doing.

But the bottom line is, how badly do you want to be healthy?

Good luck! I hope you open the door and get walking! Look forward to reading your posts on you getting healthy!
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.  ~Michael Jordan 
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3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
 "Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn
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on 2/26/10 6:38 am - Northern, CA
If you hate exercise, it's because you aren't doing the right one for you. Exercise isn't just going to the gym, doing a workout tape or going for a run/walk. There are all sorts of things you can do to get your body moving. Try different ones until you find something you love to do even if it's not the "perfect" exercise.

Some thing to try:

-dance lessons
-join a softball, football, volleyball, basketball league
-hiking out in nature
-riding your bike around the neighborhood
-water aerobics
-group power (weight lifting to music in a group - more fun than the machines for some)
-Crossfit (high intensity workouts for 20-40 min)
-ice skating
-roller skating/blading

For me, the key was to start out slowly and build up. I went from going to the gym 1x a week to ride the stationary bike (I love biking) to working out 10 hours a week training for triathlons. But it didn't happen overnight!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 2/27/10 1:14 am
I hate exercise too.  I'd much rather sit on the chair in front of the t.v. and play video games.  But the idea of being fat just one more day was more than I could take.  The idea of leaving my family because I died of some obesity related disease was more than I could take.  The failures in life that were related to being a fat slob were pretty significant and only going to continue to pile up as I got older and less mobile.

I chose not to live that life any longer.  Yes with this surgery you can lose some weight without exercise and some people can eat a wide variety of foods, but in my experience, your appetite will come back, the portion size will grow and you will see a slow weight loss or a weight regain. 

Do you really want to have let someone rearrange the way your body functions only to end up back where you started.

Marie is right, find an activity that isn't "exercise"  You don't have to pound the road running, or lifting weight.  Find a social activity start small.  Find a sporting event or a game that you enjoy playing.  That won't seem like exercise if you are having fun.

The level of success and a positive change in your life is up to you.  Nobody can do it for you.

I will tell you that you can do it.  You can be successful, and that there are a lot of people out there and here on this board that will support and cheer for you every step of the way.  Every day you overcome the couch and get out and do something active should be celebrated.  It is a victory for you.  It should feel almost like winning a race.  It is a competition between the old you and the new you.  


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/27/10 3:21 am
Thanks for all the replies.

I do want this. REALLY BADLY! My life depends on it.

I've decided to make cleaning my exercise for a while, just until i get my room tidy. It's very cluttered so it's going to take me a while. I cleaned some just before and was surprised how puffed i got.

If you're going through hell, keep going. 
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
on 2/27/10 3:37 am

I forgot to say, i am just doing exercises from home.

Do you think it would be completely crazy of me to walk around the yard at night? Would that help me? I am embarrassed to go out.

I thought about doing something like moving a pile of bricks from one side of the yard to the other as an exercise. It's not a big pile but maybe lifting it would help?

Or maybe i could bring one or two bricks inside and use them as weights? Lol i know that sounds mad but i'm trying to think about what i could use around the home.


If you're going through hell, keep going. 
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
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