Bay Breeze Half Race Report

Brian W.
on 2/25/10 2:01 pm - Belmont, CA
After the mudfest nightmare that was Bear Creek, I was excited to take on the flat shoreline of Hayward/San Leandro at the Bay Breeze Half this past Saturday.  This would be my redemption.

My expectations were limited as about 11 days prior to the race, I came down with a bad shin splint in my left leg.  I rehabbed it as best I could with ultrasound and acupuncture, but even after my 6 mile run 2 days prior, I still had a fair bit of pain.  I resigned myself that I would run as much as I could until it acted up and then walk.

I get to the start/finish line at the San Leandro Marina and get my bib and race packet and mill around for a bit.  Weather was overcast with a bit of a breeze, but not super freezing cold.   There was probably 200+ ppl running the half, so we were ready to get started at 9 am.

The course was a straight out and back that hugged the shoreline and I revisted my childhood a bit as when i was 9 or 10, a friend of mine had a birthday party where we would ride our bikes from the Hayward Shoreline Center to the Marina (about 8 miles one way), have cake, then ride back.  Now all these years later, I'd be running almost that entire way.

I started out faster than I wanted to, but that seems to be case as the adrenaline kicks in.  I got into a nice pace and tried to hang with the person ahead of me that was keeping a steady pace.  This worked pretty well as I was in cruise control and hanging with a pack of about 3 runners doing about 10 min/mi.  They slowed and I found another person to pace with.

Some of the running was difficult because it was a gravel uneven trail, but I was still making record time as I passed the 10k turnaround aid station.  As I hit the 6 mile mark, I looked at my watch and i was just over 1 hr, which was near a personal best for me and my shin was feeling great.  I hit the turnaround for the half and started the long journey back.

About Mile 8, i could a hotspot on my right foot, but was determined to push through it.  Not the smartest idea, but by that time I had blown right past personal records for 7 and 8 miles, I knew that even if I faded a bit, that elusive sub 2:20 time was in reach.

By Mile 10, i knew that hotspot was gonna be a blister, but can't let that stop me. I passed the last aid station, trying to block out the pain of this blister, which I'm sure had busted open and gutted out the final 1.5 miles to the finish.  By my garmin watch, i was well under 2:20 and I could see the finish line, which always pumps me up and I finished strong with a personal best time of 2:17:01.  Which blew away my previous time by about 7 minutes.

I was pretty spent after that and took quite a while to recover, so I know i left it all out there on the course.  The foot blister was really bad, it actually seemed fold up on itself and create a canyon like king of blisters.  Its well on its way to healing though and is not causing me pain anymore.

I was shocked I was able to pull this off given how i was feeling prior to this race, but I have proven once again that, like most runners, you push through and do what you gotta do.  I'm still surprising myself

Looking forward to next month and the big one, LA Marathon on March 21st.  Dare I dream of a sub 5:00 time?

Scott William
on 2/25/10 8:18 pm
Nice job Brian. Glad you liked your time. I have had good luck with body glide on blisters post race. One I had at Disney cleared up in a day. Way to go man and congrats.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Brian W.
on 2/26/10 9:21 am - Belmont, CA
i ordered some new stuff called Hydropel, so will see how this works to stop blisters!

Rob S.
on 2/25/10 8:41 pm - DE

Way to go and gut it out.  Quite an accomplishment.  Now go take care of those feet.

on 2/25/10 9:14 pm - TX

Congrats on gutting it out!!!
Rest well my friend.  You deserve it.

on 2/25/10 10:10 pm - Cumming, GA
that's awesome, congrats.  i'm always surprised as well at what we can accomplish if we just gut through (i'm also aware of the damage that can cause sometimes!).  i'm running my first marathon on the 21st as well... good luck to you!
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

Brian W.
on 2/26/10 9:23 am - Belmont, CA
Nothing like the first marathon!

This will be my 2nd one.  I'm sure you will do great

on 2/26/10 12:16 am - Fort Worth, TX
Niiiiiiice job brother... Blisters rule!!!! Congrats on the PR and to do it at a place that holds some cool memories from childhood is awesome! Recover well my brother...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 2/26/10 12:22 am
Good job Brian,

Congrats on the P.R. and the war wound.
Think of it as a second finishers medal.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/26/10 4:56 am - TX
You were branded with bragging rights- the blister. Good job on the run and the PR! I enjoyed your race report.
Best wishes to you!!!
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