Back To The Gym

on 2/25/10 12:49 am - Roslindale, MA
I am waiting to have my GBP Surgery can't meetthe surgeron until i lose 12 pounds so today i am going back to the gym after two months in recovery from gal bladder disease surgery this monday was my first day back and my body is hurting and when i say hurting ....i woke up this moring and tried to get out of bed and instead of my body letting me get out of bed my body let me fall out of bed on to the body was so stiff and ached so back

It hurts buy i love what i feel like when i go to the gym,,i feel alive and open to everythings i go to plaent fitness and i love it how their main slogan is a "jugdement free zone"

Has anyone ever felt like that after going to the gym ...and does anyone have any reccomendations on how to deal with the pain!!!!


"Love Has No Color, Race, Sex Or SIZE"
on 2/25/10 2:56 am - Fort Worth, TX
Did you mean to ask if we feel anything but what you felt EVERYTIME we go to the gym??? HAHA... It's a good hurt, embrace it, deal with it, it gets better!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 2/25/10 5:53 am
I'd say a LONG soak in the hot tub (if there is one at your gym) or a hot bath when you get home after working out.

Stretch, stretch and more stretching!! hehe
on 2/26/10 2:46 pm
Hey girl!  It'll get a little better each time you go DON'T GIVE UP!  Take some tylenol and hop right back on that horse.  I see Dr. Peceaux on 3/2 and i hope their scale says 16 lbs (i've lost 20-22 according to mine but their scale doesn't like me)  Are you keeping a food diary?  I know its a PIA but it does really help.  Also try adding more protien to your diet (I do a protien drink either in the morning for bfast or right after I work out).  Gimme a call if you want and we can do it together!  You have to be my surgery buddy in April!
on 2/27/10 9:32 pm
I just started back to the gym a month ago.  My leg pain (where my pain mostly was), lasted about 2 weeks.  Not sure if it was coincendece (sorry my spelling stick and spell check could not even figure out what I was saying). or not but I increased my water, especially on the days I worked out, and the pain subsided substantially.   I did speak with my exercise guru at my doctor's office - he said to make sure I got my 64 oz of water in a day, and on the days I worked out to add another 24 oz. 
Delores Moore
it's never too late
on 2/28/10 2:44 am - Northern, CA
If your muscles are inflamed, ice them. If you are just stiff, then heat works better... like soaking in a warm bath.

Avoid taking NSAIDs though. It turns out they interfere with fitness gains in your muscles.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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