Race Report: 2ND Annual Pasadena Half Marathon

on 2/22/10 10:03 am - Los Angeles, CA

Let me start by saying that even though I have not been posting, I have been training (with the exception of an eight mile long run weekend before last). 
I was determined to be a Legacy Runner for at least one race.  I was not going to push myself as this was going to be a training run, but I did want to beat last year's time.
I was nervous as heck.  I prayed for cool weather but no rain.  I got my wish.  GU-check, water-check, Gatorade-check, camera, extra pouch, keys--check, check , check.  Running clothes laid out, check.  Pain meds-check.  Enemas in easy reach- check.  Yeah, that's right,  you read that correctly.  I had given myself a couple of enemas to clean myself out so that I would not have to use a port-a-potty.  I hate those things and I hate standing in line to use one.  Did I say I hated port-a-potties?  I had spent a better part of the morning on the throne; not because of the cleaning episode, but because of my nerves.  I was so afraid that I would do just as bad as last year.                                                                                                                            I had planned on leaving the house at 5:30 and be there by no later than 6:15.  That did not happen, I left my house at around 5:45.  I freaked out because I thought that I would have to pay for parking, so I drove to the nearest ATM and parked illegally to get some cash. Come to find out that I really did not need it.
I hopped onto the freeway and just floored it; by this time it was 6:20.  I was getting more nervous by the minute.  Once I got into Pasadena, getting around became challenging and my gps was useless.  Some of the officers were so rude and non-helpful.  I was only trying to find the parking and the instructions that I had were not clear.  I was reduced to asking people, "Are you going to the marathon?"   Finally,  a lady said, "yes" and that she was going to park at PCC (Pasadena City College).  I had asked her how much was the parking and she told me that it was free.  So I followed her.  Thank goodness for angels.  Once we got into the parking structure, it was around 6:45. After I parked, I took a couple of puffs of my asthma inhaler and ate a granola bar and some dried prunes.  Keep in mind that the race was set to start at 7 AM.   I got to the start line at 7 AM sharp.   I took off, but I still had to go to the restroom.  Once again, no port-a-potties for Kim!  Fortunately, me and few other runners found a nice Jack-In-The-Box a block away from the start line.  Once, I finished with that, I started my run.  It was perfect running weather, no rain and about 54 degrees.  I had something to prove to myself.   I needed to prove that I could run in cool weather and that this run would be better for me because I was properly trained.  I passed on both fronts. 
I was progressing along nicely.  No pain in my right hip (as of yet) or my left foot.  I was running all of my run intervals. 
Around mile 7,  I started to get some side stitches and my hip was starting to hurt.  I had taken 2 Tylenol that I had packed and in 20 minutes or so, I was feeling better.  To make things interesting, I was secretly using various people as barometers.  I had to catch up to them and hopefully past them. 
At one point I was using an old man, then there was two ladies.  Whenever a group of people that was talking loudly came near me, I speed up a little.  Somehow, I just enjoyed the serenity.  Going past million dollar homes, Old Town Pasadena and Downtown Pasadena made me happy.  The only part of the race that I did not like was when they had us going through a residential area with speed bumps.  That slowed everyone down.  I heard that one lady had fallen and broke her ankle on one of them.  By mile 8, I was feeling good again.  Mile 9 completely passed me by.  I was pleasantly surprised at miles 7 and 10 when I turned a corner and had seen those mile markers.  It was a steady incline between miles 8 and 10, after that, it was downhill (slight) all of the way.  Throughout the course (at 3 different locations), the marathoners met up and us half marathoners, but the course never became congested. I got my legs sprayed with the Kool n' Fit at mile 9, that sure did help.   By mile 11, I had my groove back.  I was ready to be done with it.  The las****er stop was at mile 12, so I popped a GU and I drank some Ultima.  I wanted a strong finish. 
I felt so grateful for the people that came out in the cold to cheer us on.  I made sure to thank the volunteers because without them, there would be no race.  They, in turn, thanked me for running the race.
So, as you know, this is my second time around for this race.  The question is: Did I do better, worse or just as well as last year?  Last year, my pace was 18:20 and tag time was 4:00:18.  This year, my pace was 18:23 and my tag time was 4:00:52.  I know that two contributing factors were that last year, I had someone pacing me and she did not allow me to give up and I was 40 pounds lighter.  This year, I was smart and was trained vs. last year I wasn't.  I did not beat last year's time, but I feel a lot better now and during this year's race vs. last year (my legs were really sore for a week afterwords).   I now understand the connection of being properly trained and and race results (not just the final time but how you feel during the race). 
Next up is the Los Angeles Marathon.  A first for me. 

Wish me luck.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Scott William
on 2/22/10 10:20 am
Good stuff Kim. Congrats on the finish and best of luck in LA.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 2/22/10 10:38 am - Fort Worth, TX
Great job and great finish Kim!!! I have to say HOLY CRAP .. Literally... at the PRE RACE Rituals... LOL at the EnemaS (Plural)... That's intense.... But to do a Granola Bar and Prune "Chaser".???... In a beach going so cal laid back beach bumb voice....
"CANNON BALL DUUUUUDE"... LOL Thanks for the report and it sounds like you had a great time. I am just having some fun with your report, but seriously, great job, I would love to go back to cali and run in Old Town Pasedena! (I have a few buddies that live in Eagle Rock)...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 2/22/10 10:43 am - Los Angeles, CA

Look back, my breakfast choice wasn't the best, but I just wanted something in the tank.  LOL at prune "chaser".  That was a good one.

Thank you, so much.  Glad you enjoyed the report.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Linn D.
on 2/22/10 11:38 am - Missoula, MT

Great job!  Love those lessons learned.  Sure makes the next challenge a little easier.  You'll do great at LA!

on 2/23/10 12:53 am - Los Angeles, CA
"Sure makes the next challenge a little easier."  You can say that again.                                            The second time around was easier than the first.  My little collection of medals is growing.  LOL
Without struggle, there is no progress.

Cassie W.
on 2/22/10 7:16 pm
Congrats Kim,

It sounds like you had a great race and  will recover quickly to continue your marathon training.

Best of luck in LA!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 2/23/10 12:40 am - Los Angeles, CA
Thank you, Cassie.  I feel a lot better today and anticipate that I'll feel good enough to do a 30 minute run tomorrow morning.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 2/23/10 12:50 am
Great race report,

Thanks for sharing and congrats of finishing.  I hope you have a great LA Marathon.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/23/10 12:52 am - Los Angeles, CA
Thank you, Scott.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

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