Where do i begin I know I need to start

on 2/5/10 4:23 pm - Millbrook, NY
It has been 16 months since my WLS and I have lost an entire person. Truly, 185 lbs gone I am now petite frame 135 lbs and sagging skin thighs, inner and outer and around where my arse used to be. The rest of me is amazing where it all went I do not know my midriff, arms, belly etc just sucked right in no sagging skin. I am weak and I know it., I have no ebdurance and i know it, I hate can I repeat hate working out and to sweat forget it i hate that even more.
But I know I have no muscle and I have a membership to planet fitness and i have an eliptical at the end of my bed and I have an ab lunger, bender ball, tapes, dvd's etc and had the nerve to ask for a wii FIT that I did not get from Santa. Now where does the courage come from to start and is it too late?
I need a push, I know I need support and I need to get started. Where do i begin?
See me in Jan OH page 11, 2010
I am celebrating my 3rd surgiversary today
I have maintained a 135-140 frame from 315# my highest, 200# lost, Gone Baby, Gone
Scott William
on 2/5/10 9:01 pm, edited 2/5/10 9:09 pm
You start by going to the gym 4 days a week.  Do 30 minutes on the treadmill startiing at 3.5 mph and increase the speed if you can.  If the eliptical looks good, do that or try the stair climber.  You can also start with the nautilus machines to start getting toned.

Depending on where you live, you can start by walking outside away from your house.  Start by walking out a 1/4 or 1/2 mile.  That way, you are forced to go back the same distance.

When you get comfortable with the walking, you can evolve it into a slow jog for a few minutes and increase the time of the running until you are running most of the distance.  You can also google c25k which is a more detailed version of what I just described.

Also - check out this thread. 

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/fitness/4094844/Master-Thr ead-FAQ-Cardio-for-beginners/

Good luck.
Scott William
on 2/5/10 9:07 pm
I forgot to tell you how to really begin.  Sign up for a 5K in the last spring.  That will get you going.  There is a good race in Middletown (I think June) that offers a 5K and a 10K.  It's called "The Classic"  Closer for you is the classic 10K in Kingston.  Anyway, sign up and there is your motivation. 

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 2/6/10 12:54 am - Montgomery, NY
 I'm going to be running in he Classic 10k!    Orange Runners club also does 5k's (I'm running one tomorrow at the old psych center in Middletown)



on 2/5/10 11:19 pm - Milwaukee suburb, WI
If you have a gym membership, try different things until you find something that you actually like.  I have found that's the best way to stick to something b/c you actually miss doing it when you don't.  Just because you've tried something in the past - or a few things - & didn't like it doesn't mean you won't like ANYTHING.  Give it a chance.  Don't overdo it to start.  Expect to be sore.  Expect day 2 post-workout to be worse than initial day after you worked out - this is just to start!  Get some kick-ass music to listen to if you're doing something that's not in a class setting.  Consider lifting weights - that will build your muscles faster than anything else.  Don't skip stretching after you workout, it will help to release the lactic acid that builds up in your muscles.

I jogged for a couple years & I loved it, but ended up getting plantar fasciitis.  While I miss it, I also think there are other options that aren't as hard on your joints, which is why I'm not doing it anymore & why I'm not going to talk about it - you'll get plenty of encouragement here for that.  It's a great cardio exercise & helps to strengthen several muscle groups, but not all (hint, lift weights too).

I just typed a long thing last night on the main board for someone asking about exercising.  Here's a copy & paste of most of it:

Post Date: 2/5/10 9:05 pm
I do  jiu  jitsu now, but I used to work out an a gym.  I also alternated cardio & weights.  It's especially important to include weight training while losing weight because it is absolutely inevitable that you (or anyone) will lose muscle along with fat, but weight training will either drastically slow, stop, or reverse that - depends on how much you put into it.  One pound of muscle burns 40 cals/day just to survive so the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be - lovely concept :) 

For weights - start SLOW & build up your stamina, day 2 is worse than day 1 after a new workout in terms of soreness.  You'll be surprised at how sore you'll be vs how your muscles feel while doing it - trust me!  That's just for a couple of weeks, though.  Never do weights on the same muscle group 2 days in a row b/c those muscles need the recovery time.  How muscle is built is through "overloading", basically you lift as much as you SAFELY can in a CONTROLLED fashion.  Your muscle fibers actually break down somewhat during this process &, over the next 48 hours, they build back more densely, which is how you build a stronger muscle.

Stronger, bigger muscle groups generally have somewhat higher repetions (reps) than the smaller groups, for instance your quadriceps vs your biceps.  For the smaller groups, do 4 - 8 reps per muscle, rest 2 minutes (do another muscle group while resting the one you just did so that you're still exercising), then repeat.  Larger groups, do 8 - 12.  Do that 2 times to start & leave it at that!!!  Ultimately, do 3-4 reps per workout per muscle group. 

Stretching:  NEVER stretch a totally cold muscle - meaning you just got to the gym & are about to start lifting or running or whatever, don't go into a big stretch!!!  While your muscle is "cold" (less blood flowing through with resting heart rate), it is less flexible & therefore more likely to rip or pull.  If you really want to stretch before you workout (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't), do a brisk walk for a couple of minutes, then stretch.  Your elevated heartrate will increase your blood flow everywhere & "warm" up all of your muscles.  Stretching procedure - hold one stretch (DON'T "bounce" in your stret*****reases risk of injury) for 15 - 20 seconds.  In the last 5 - 10 seconds, you can go a little deeper into the stretch if it feels comfortable.  Stretching should NEVER feel painful - that's a cue you're doing it too deeply & it's an increased risk for injury.  Stretching after any exercise is important not only for increased flexibility, but it helps to release something called lactic acid, which builds up in your muscle when you use it during exercise (cardio or weights).  Lactic acid is actually the substance that causes muscle soreness.  Soooo, if you stretch like I described, you'll be less sore afterwards.  It also feels totally awesome.

HW / SW / CW / GW      299 / 287160 / 140     Feb '09 / Mar '09 / Dec '13 /Aug '10          

Appendicitis/Bowel Obstruction Surgery 8/21/10
Beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma!  7/15/2011 - 1/26/2012 

Ran Half-Marathon 10/14/2012

First Pregnancy, Due 8/12/14                             I LOVE MY DS!!!

on 2/6/10 12:59 am - Montgomery, NY
 I think setting a goal is a great way to get motivated - like running a 5k in a couple months.  Main thing to get started is.. to get started!  Just start with something on a regular basis.  Know in your mind hat the first few weeks are going to SUCK, but just will yourself through it, it does get easier and if you find something you like you'll start looking forward to it.  Planet fitness in Middletown (assuming thats the one) has a circuit area where it takes you through a whole body workout in 30 minutes or so - I haven't done it, but its probably a good place to start.  I go to Planet fitness for the treadmills mainly - also for the pull up machine they have there.  To be honest, I much prefer using dumbells/freeweights at home for my weight training (but then, I'm a bit of a grunter :)  )  

Jeanne C.
on 2/6/10 10:08 pm - Marlboro, NY
Oh Jen...I am SO with you.  I felt like I was reading my OWN words.  I'm 91 lbs lighter, but definitely not in good shape.  I'm weak and have no energy.  The thighs and upper arms are horrible.  When I get home after work, all I want to do (after dinner of course) is vegg out.  I feel so guilty for not doing what I should. 

I too feel like maybe its too late to start.  I have the Wii Fit that I borrowed from my daughter in law before Christmas to see if it was something I should invest in or ask from Santa.  I used it once.  As a matter of fact, I keep the platform on the floor directly in front of my TV as a reminder.  Do I use it? 

I have DVD's, tapes etc too.  All that's missing is a gym membership , which somehow I know will be wasted also, I hate workihg out in public...sweating etc.  I went into Curves in New Paltz to check it out.  I was greeted with an overwhelming smell of body odor and old sneakers. So for $45 a month, I get to go around a teeny circle of lame looking benches three times and walk in place while waiting for others to finish their 30 second work outs.  Uhhhhh...not for me.

I too need to get started and don't know why my mind is not letting me.  I absolutely HATE any kind of exercise, including walking.  I vowed to do the Walkway Over Hudson a couple of times a week, since I live in Highland now.  Well...made it halfway ONCE.  Everything hurt, so I turned back.  I live right near the Rail Trail....again, did it once and turned back after 15 mins.

I just don't know why I'm rebelling against something that will enable me to be stronger and healthier.  I wish I had the answer....many people have good suggestions....just go to the gym...workout a couple of times a week....or go for a walk....JUST do it.  Of course, I KNOW all that (heard it for years) and still I don't.

 Why I can't...I wish I knew.

I know this all sounds like a list of really weak excuses and I know this doesn't encourage you, or give you the answers you're looking for, but I just had to write to let you know that you're NOT alone in this.

If you need a workout buddy....maybe we can figure out something?
on 2/6/10 11:19 pm - Smyrna, GA
VSG on 12/29/09 with
You might look into getting a trainer at the gym where you have a membership.  Most gyms have them, but they can be expensive.  However, they also will call your butt and ask you where you are and why aren't you at the gym working out!  Well, mine does anyway.  Also, they get you started on the right way to exercise if you are new to exercising.   Try to find someone that matches your personality and will not let you get away with slacking.
on 2/8/10 1:02 am - NJ
Congratulations on your terrific weight loss!  I had my op last month and have lost 26 pounds with more to go. I don't think anyone could hate exercise more than I do. In fact, I am descended from a man who hated exercise passionately and probably said something like "If we were meant to exercise, we would have been born with sneakers on our feet." Although he enjoyed tennis well into his 60's and early 70's.  But we used to have lazy contests -- and my dad always won!
So my advice, which I don't propose as healthy in any way, but only as coming from someone who knows it is important but would rather do almost anything else than exercise is:    Start small. Do something for 5 minutes. I did last week, watching the clock the whole time!  I will again today. Maybe I will graduate to 10 minutes, I have no idea. But 5 minutes in my sedentary life is better than nothing! Lotsa luck to u.
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