Bear Creek Trail Half-Marathon Report (aka Mudfest 2010)

Brian W.
on 2/4/10 5:10 am - Belmont, CA
I'm wayyyy late with this, but better late than never :)

This past Saturday I participated in my first race of 2010, the Bear Creek Trail Half-Marathon.  With it being trail I was prepared for the hills (or so i thought) and thought I could pull off a decent time.  However, that all changed about a week prior when the Bay Area was soaked with heavy rain and even the night before the race, it rained.

I got to the regional park about 7:30 am for a 9 am start and already I could tell things were gonna be bad.  I had to navigate mud puddles to the place to get my timing chip and so I milled around observing people.  This was a pretty small race, only about 500 runners, there was also a 10k and 5k distance.  The course needed to be modified because of the weather and I would have really hate to have seen the original course conditions compared to what I ran.

At 9:05 am, we were off, again mud puddles, not more than 200 yards past the start line.  The first mile was an out and back added due to the course change, then things proceeded up to original course start and I dealt with all the 5k/10k runners that had just started.  Things spread out really quickly after Mile 2 and just past Mile 3 was a big ascent up to the first aid station.  However, the trail path was not even muddy, it was more like thick oozing sludge.  People were falling down, slipping, shoes getting ripped off.  I had trail shoes and about half way up, I was starting to lose balance and nearly ate it a few times.  I FINALLY reach the top and the first aid station.  From there, the course splits off with the half-marathoners doing another out and back while the 10kers going to the right.

This portion started out ok, a little muddy, but in good condition, then the trail goes downhill and my race goes downhill too.  Major mud patches down steep grades, then another hill climb to aid station 2.  By this time, I'm seriously questioning my sanity about doing this race.  I'm also close to dead last as there are only about 2 other ppl that I can see.  But I start to head back, continuing to battle and I'm beaten mentally, having to traverse the mud again, I make it back to the first aid station and I thought the worse was over.  I was so very wrong.

The course from here on goes straight up hill and downhill and repeats that pattern for several miles.  These are some of the steepest downgrades I've seen which would be challenging on dry conditions, now they are pretty much deathtraps.  I manage to survive without snapping my ankles and get to the last aid station.  I still got about 1.5 miles left, but my fun wasn't done yet.

The final stretch of the race concludes on a single path under the canopy of a forest.  As I wind my way through it, I can hear the music and hear people from a distance so I know I'm close to the finish, but then i get to, what I describe as, a sheer cliff.  So dangerous that they had to post a volunteer there to make sure no one plunged into the creek below.  I make it down gracefully (not falling) and cross the creek (no bridge), then straight back up the last 1/10th of a mile to finish

I can see the time and its nearing 4 hours, so I sprint to the finish and clock a time of 3:59:57.  Pretty much this was the most mentally demanding race I've ran along with the most physical.  I don't know how anyone trudged through that at top speed unless they had a deathwish, but I guess some runners do!

Here's a shot of my shoes after:

and a pic of the conditions

Will probably sign up for the Bay Breeze Half on Feb 20th, a much flatter and forgiving course.

on 2/4/10 5:21 am - Los Angeles, CA


What an interesting race report!  Wow!  Is this your first time competing in this race.  Just wondering in regards to the weather.   You are a better person than me; I don't know if I could have done it.  Congratulations to you. Instead of a medal, maybe the prize should have been a new pair of running shoes.


Without struggle, there is no progress.

Brian W.
on 2/4/10 8:35 am - Belmont, CA
Hey Kim

Yep first trail race for me, I wanted something different and i sure got it.

My shoes cleaned up fairly well after, been drying out ever since though.

on 2/4/10 5:43 am - Fort Worth, TX
Great job buddy!!!! Way to pull through and "Get a lil mud on the tires"!!! It is gonna be a  sloppy mess at my trail run this weekend too... Good times!!!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 2/4/10 5:44 am
It's one thing to sign up for a race that you know is going to be like this and completely another to be blindsided by it.  Congrats on having the fortitude to finish this race.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Brian W.
on 2/4/10 8:36 am - Belmont, CA
I wasn't completely blindsided because I knew the possibility existed that the weather would turn bad, but I just had no idea just how bad the trail conditions could get.

on 2/4/10 6:52 am - Canada
Good for you Brian to have stuck it out to the end; kudos to you.

Rob S.
on 2/4/10 8:23 pm - DE
Great job, Brian.  It sounds like it was real tough, and I don't like regular trail runs.   At least you have one for the memory books.  So do you sign up next year?
on 2/4/10 8:49 pm - Richmond, IN
Congratulations! I think it's quite an accomplishment to just FINISH that race - sheesh!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

Linn D.
on 2/5/10 7:24 am, edited 2/5/10 7:25 am - Missoula, MT
All I can say is YUCK!!  What a loooooong half marathon.  Kudos to you for finishing something I'm not sure I would've even started!

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