
on 1/30/10 1:30 pm

For some odd reason I really have the urge to do pullups. I know I am not strong enough to do any yet but would like to start training to work toward that goal. Any of you doing them? What type of training did you use to get you there? I'm 275 and my doctors goal weight for me is 262. My personal goal is 245.

Scott William
on 1/30/10 11:33 pm
The pull up seems to be a goal for a bunch of people.  I can do 2-3 reverse grip pull ups but have yet to do a "real" forward grip one.  I am in the 260 range.  At 240 I could do about 5 so weight is definitely a factor.  You will want to do strengthen your back and lat pull downs will help that.  Most gyms also have an assisted pull up machine that will help you work toward the goal by decreasing the help that it gives you.  Good luck.

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4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 1/31/10 2:40 am - Cumming, GA
man, pull-ups are the one thing that i still can't do.  i have no problems with push-ups (can do well over 50 in a row), dips (up to 17 or 18 in a row) etc., but for some reason, i've never been able to do pull-ups.  that is one of the reasons i haven't started any of those crazy programs like cross-fit.  for me, i still work on lat pull-downs and assisted pull-ups, someday i will work up to pull-ups but i stopped stressing over it and havne't really been focusing my workouts toward doing them as a goal.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 1/31/10 4:09 am - NC
I do a LOT of pullups in my P90X workouts...MODIFIED pullups!  Still haven't gotten to where I can do the real ones yet...but I'm getting close!  Get one of the pullup bars that hang in the door...they are rated for 300lbs.  I'm 271 and it holds me with no problem.  Set a chair out in front of you. Hang from the bar and put your feet up in the chair.  Use your legs to help you push up as you pull.  As you get stronger move the chair further out in front of you so that your legs are straighter.  After that progress to one straight leg in the chair and one out in front of you beside the chair.  At this point you are pulling most of your weight and soon you'll be doing REAL pullups!  I'll let you know when I do my first real one because it will be a HUGE milestone for me!
on 1/31/10 5:33 am - Montgomery, NY
 I have overhand pullups as a goal too.  My initial goal is to be able to do an unassisted set of 8, right now I can do a couple if fully rested :)   I spend a lot time working the lats trying to get there, and do negatives, but to be honest, it took a long time before I was even doing negatives.  Mainly I started out doing dumbbell rows/barbell bent over rows, until I felt like I could at least feel like I was doing something when attempting pullups.  You have to also work the arms and shoulders too since its a serious compound exercise.  

My Gym now has a pullup/dip machine, and I was using that extensively on back day. (also alternative overhand then underhand pullups and then dips without rest for a pretty awesome back/bi/tri workout)

By the way, good info on this:  http://www.military.com/military-fitness/fitness-test-prep/p erfecting-pull-up

on 1/31/10 8:26 am
Thanks guys for the help. I will start talking to my personal trainer about a plan to help get me there. It is nice to have the feedback from you all. I have been doing 200 kettle bell swings 4 times a week. I will start doing more KB military presses and bent over rows. I have seen those pullup assist bands that might be something I will look into also. I want to try to be able to do some within the next six months if at all possible.

I am currently 20% weaker in my left arm than my right due to a distal tendon rupture in 12-08. My trainer is working with me on that issue.
on 2/1/10 2:49 am
I used the assist bands and pullup negatives to get me there.  The KBs will help also.  DO your ladders with the clean and press and double rows, add a few renegade rows to get you there sooner.  I sewar by the KBs and bodyweight exercises.
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