Saturday Workouts

on 1/29/10 11:24 pm - Canada

Good morning everyone. I shovelled 2 hours this morning :( Yes Scott, I know it is good exercise, but still don't like it! :)

Going to the gym later to get a 3 mile run in on the tm, then off to the sauna.

Have a good weekend everyone.


on 1/29/10 11:44 pm - Around Knoxville, TN
Lots of snow hit east tn last night so I couldn't get to the gym so I went to moms next door and ran my 3 miles on the treadmill. Today is upper body weights but I can't get to the gym--but I was out for over an hour sledding (and walking back up our very steep hill) plus I'll do some home stuff w/ 10 lb handweights I have and tricep dips off the stairs...

Btw, how many calories are YOU eating if you're 18 mos out? I keep feeling like my intake is too high!!

Be happy. 


Elisa K.
on 1/30/10 3:49 am - Lumberton, NJ
Thankfully, we didn't get the snow here in NJ, but we got the cold!  I did 3 miles on the treadmill at the gym - its just too darn cold for me to run outside. 
Cassie W.
on 1/30/10 5:03 am
PT cleared me to start running again!  Yippee!

Ran 1.6 miles nice and easy on the treadmill, followed by 3 sets each of:
leg press
standing lat pull-down
chest press
seated row
hamstring curl

Hopefully, the strength training routine will prevent further running injuries.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Rob S.
on 1/30/10 5:08 am - DE
It was extremely cold this morning, but the weather was calm.  We ran 9.6 miles outside,  I labored a bit on some of the hills (since I'm fighting a cold, but managed to push my way through.
on 1/30/10 6:15 am - Montgomery, NY
 chest, triceps and abs today.. getting psyched for a long run tomorrow  

Katie H.
on 1/30/10 6:17 am - Charlton, MA
ran outside for about 8 minutes this morning before I called it quits...WAY too cold!!

went for a hike this afternoon, not sure how much mileage it was, but it was an hour and a half....and much warmer!!

"Running has the power to change your life. It will make you fitter, healthier, even happier."   ~Selene Yeager, "Let's Get Started," May 2010 issue of Runner's World

on 1/30/10 8:10 am - Richmond, IN
Hi there! After work this morning I went to the Wellness Center and walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill, then spent about 25 minutes on the weight machines and free weights.

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 1/30/10 9:06 am
6.5 miles on the treadmill 5 mins jogging 5 mins walking for 110 mins...yes very slow but I kept going....
Linn D.
on 1/30/10 9:39 am - Missoula, MT
Was able to make it 6 miles this morning (TM).  Did it this way:

Mile 1 @ 6.8
Mile 2 @ 6.9
Miles 3-5 @ 7.0
Mile 6 @ 6.9

I was going to be happy with 4, but it felt good today so I went the extra 2.

Then we went snowmobiling for 4 hours!  Great fun today!

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