Welcome to the board.
Several things are going to play a role in the extra skin
how long you have been overweight
how much you were overweight
Unfortunately there isn't an exercise that reduces skin.
If you had a lot of fatty tissue under the skin and stretched the skin beyond it's elasticity, you are most likely going to have extra skin hanging.
No amount of exercise is going to reduce the skin. Now you can build some muscle under the skin that will help, but it's not likely that you can build up the same volume of muscle as you had fat. So back to the extra skin.
For most people it's either live with the skin or have surgery to get it removed.
As for exercises
Plank Exercise.
Stability Ball
Leg Lifts
will all help with core strength.
Several things are going to play a role in the extra skin
how long you have been overweight
how much you were overweight
Unfortunately there isn't an exercise that reduces skin.
If you had a lot of fatty tissue under the skin and stretched the skin beyond it's elasticity, you are most likely going to have extra skin hanging.
No amount of exercise is going to reduce the skin. Now you can build some muscle under the skin that will help, but it's not likely that you can build up the same volume of muscle as you had fat. So back to the extra skin.
For most people it's either live with the skin or have surgery to get it removed.
As for exercises
Plank Exercise.
Stability Ball
Leg Lifts
will all help with core strength.