RNY, running and plumbing problems

on 1/29/10 4:48 am
Hi all. This is my first post and I want to apologize up front if this question has been answered yet. I did look thru the forum but could not tell from the titles.

I would like to know if anyone has had an issue with running long distances and bathroom issues?

As of Feb 4 2010, I will be 20 months out. I have run in two half marathons. In the first one, in Sept 2009, I began dumping after mile 7 (I thought due to too many sports beans) and had to hit EVERY single port-o-potty on the course until the end and then spent a miserable time in one at the finish line.  However, I just chalked it up to too many sports beans since that had never happened while training.

However, after that race, running life has been so different. In Nov 2009 I ran my second half marathon w/out any sports gels or beans and I only drank water..but still, kept having to stop to use the bathroom w/diahrrea beginning after mile 4.. Needless to say, it made that race feel never ending and just a miserable experience.

I really justed wanted to quit racing after this altogether.  Well, a friend recently convinced me to try again. So now I am training for another race in April, but I find that every time I do a long run, once I get past 5 or 6 miles, once again my plumbing starts protesting and it is really beginning to annoy me. I have a friend here in town who had rny and said she went thru the same thing at about a year out from surgery and that it lasted for 6 months or so. Still, she gave up running and bikes instead.

I wondered if any one else has had to deal with this issue? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Scott William
on 1/29/10 5:53 am
I have experienced what you are talking about many times.  During my last full, I stopped numerous times and it totally discouraged me.  There is no way to run a good time when you feel like you have to go the whole time.  It's not always about a good time but still very discouraging. 

Anyway, I have since discovered that eggs were causing the distress.  Now I have a 65 day running streak going and have not experienced that awful feeling that would leave me walking the last half of most runs since I figured out the eggs.  I also have had a problem with Poland Spring water what caused nearly instant distress.  I think that the Poland Spring was really an issue with the thin plastic bottle because other similar water bottles have caused the same thing.

The point of all this is that there may be something that does not agree with you but if you figure it out, hopefully it works itsself out.  I am there with you and get what you are going through.  The frustration level was such that I contemplated not running.  I have not run over 10K since I figured out the egg thing but I have not felt that deep pressure since and am optimistic about upping the mileage again.

I hope you get it figured out.  Good luck.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 1/29/10 6:35 pm
Thanks, Scott! So were you eating eggs day of race or days prior? I will definitely start paying attention to that.
on 1/29/10 6:59 pm
by the way... i totally feel that frustration of not being able to go the distance I want to because of this. I so hope I figure out the problem soon.  As you said, its totally not about speed.. I am one of John Bingham's penguins myself, but gosh. would so love to at least be able to go the distance without having to worry about the plumbing.  Thanks for the link to your running log!
That's awesome... my big toe looked like yours til just recently when the last bit of nail finally grew out... badge of honor, right? :D
Scott William
on 1/29/10 10:13 pm
Dfinintely a badge of honor!  I was pertty mich eating eggs every day in some form.  It took 3 or 4 days for the effects to go away.  It just never occurred to me that eggs could be the issue.  I cut out everything else except the eggs in an attempt to figure it out. 

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 1/30/10 1:28 am
i rarely eat eggs but i am wondering if it may be my protein shake?? i was reading around the forums and it seems like people are having problems with the whey protein powder?  what's weird is that until the Virginia Beach marathon I didn't have any problems while i was training with the running group and actually suffered from constipation. Since then the plumbing has just not been the same! :(      I will eliminate the shake and see if that makes a difference. Thanks!
Brian W.
on 1/30/10 7:35 am - Belmont, CA
Regardless of WLS, many runners suffer from some kind of gastro distress as I'll call it.  I sometimes get it if my body hasn't fully "woken" up in the morning or on long runs over 10 miles.

However, if I'm going on a long run or race, I will take 2 tiny Immodium AD pills and be absolutely fine.  In fact, i just did my 7th half-marathon today, and had to make no pitstops.

I suffered from IBS prior to WLS and can still come back from time to time, so Immodium is my solution on occasion.

Good luck

on 1/31/10 3:03 am - Sharonville, OH
 I just wanted to add that when I lived in Boston in the mid 90s, the female winner of the Boston Marathon had diarrhea the entire race. The TV commentators were talking about it. When she came across the finish line, she grabbed one of those silver blankets and tied it around her waist. So it's not just an RNY problem, I'm thinking. 
HW: 380   SW: 321   CW: 214  GW: 145  

on 1/31/10 3:26 am - Dacula, GA
Once I get my schedule in check I will be investigating the Gluten Free eating prior to heavy training days and racing days. Apparantly, a lot of endurance athletes get the gut problem. Hits me on the Ironman run everytime. Bloating, etc. There has been some research showing that gluten is a cause.
Linn D.
on 1/31/10 1:43 pm - Missoula, MT

I hadn't heard that.  I'll look into it too and see if it helps.  Thanks!

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