Fueling the run...

on 1/23/10 10:16 am - Around Knoxville, TN
Tomorrow wraps the first wk of my 10wk half marathon training and I can already tell that I need to change my diet to fuel this...

I'm about 17 months out, down about 184 lbs, average 1300-1600 cal, 50-80 carbs, 70-100 protein daily...how much should I increase? What should I eat post workout as I understand the importance of recovery..I've read some foods but I'm so carb sensitive it scares me to death..

Be happy. 


on 1/23/10 10:21 am - Fort Worth, TX
Endurance sports and NO carbs WILL NOT WORK!!! You should incorporate GOOD carbs that will give you slow burning, steady fuel (Complex Carbs) Veggies, oatmeal, granola, pasta (Wheat preferably) A good recovery food is a banana with peanut butter on it, chocolate milk, or a cliff bar or recovery drink. Cliff makes a pretty good recovery drink... I like the Orange Mango flavor is my fav! Best of luck and great job on the training...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

on 1/24/10 8:56 am - Around Knoxville, TN
Thanks for the info..so based on 1400-1500 calories per day, how many total carbs and protein should I aim for?

I ran 4 miles today and did a half a pb sandwich afterward...

After my half (march 28th) I don't intend to continue this regime so I will have to readjust...

Be happy. 


on 1/23/10 10:36 am, edited 1/23/10 10:38 am - Montgomery, NY
 Hey there.. looks like we're on similar paths, and have very similar situations and concerns... I also just finished my first formal week of training for my first half marathon.  My cal intake has been even lower than yours.  I know it sounds funny, but I really had to work at increasing my calories this week.  I am so paranoid about increasing my carbs I have to force myself to do it.. today I even actually ate some pasta (my first pasta in 8 months..).  I added in fruit and oatmeal this week, again, really the first substantial carbs since a month before my surgery, and to my surprise, I really felt good this week.  That said its the first week, and I only ran about 12 miles this week, and I totally rested yesterday and today as I was wore out..  I am running a 5k tomorrow.. I may actually try a piece of wheat bread with my oatmeal  (yikes!)

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