follow up nutrition question

on 1/22/10 2:30 am
So we have talked about what to eat, carb:protein ration and when to eat it post workout, but I was wondering how much to eat.

Is there a formula based on number of calories burned, or time spent working out?
Or is there just a genral X amount of calories?



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/22/10 2:33 am - Fort Worth, TX

If you are using your post workout recovery meal as breakfast, eat your normal caloric intake, just keep that ratio in mind I would say...

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/22/10 3:01 am
currently I'm using it as a snack.
40 - 120 minute workout.
I started eating a cliff bar after the workout.  It's 240 cal and almost a perfect 4:1 balance.

In general I'm having 3 meals of 300-400 calories a day
and 3 snacks of 200 calories a day.

It basically works like this for me
5-7 AM is my workout time.
I eat that cliff bar within a 1/2 hour of finishing.

It is solely being eate for that post workout food.
Then when I get to work around 8 AM it's usually some egg beaters and a more solid protein like chicken or ham

10:00 AM it's snack time, protein drink or yogurt and fruit. 200 calories

12:00 lunch 300 calories

2-3 afternoon snack 200 calories

5:30-6:00 or later depending on swim night schedule  If I"m swimming dinner is closer to 7:00
300 calories

8-10  a snack 100-200 calories if I have them available.

I feel like if I eat more than this, I start to gain weight again

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/22/10 3:15 am - Fort Worth, TX
So let's put calories aside for a sec. How much Carbs / Protein/ and Fats are you taking in a day??? From what you typed above, you are taking in 1800 calories a day? Wayyyyy too low in my opinion, unless you are trying to lose MORE weight? Let me know. FYI.. Did you ever get that back support / belt thing I sent you to look in to?
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/22/10 3:31 am

Actually the back support item is on my list of things to buy today.  Today is payday and I was waiting for that.

As for weight loss I would like to drop down to 175.
I was down to 188 but gained some back during the end of last year.
Currently I'm at 195
Eating more than that and I see the scale start to creep up.  That is something that I just can't do.  It's too hard to get it back off.

I focus on Protein first.  usually I'm getting over 100 grams of protein per day.  That cliff bar after my workout has really changed the balance of my carbs/protein

My workout today was 2 hours of jogging on the treadmill

So far today I am at.
43% protein
14% fats
620 cal
9 gm fat
67 gm carb (37 sugar, 10 fiber)
69 gm Protein
There is still a lunch, snack and dinner  for tonight.  Not sure what it's going to be yet.

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/22/10 3:41 am - Fort Worth, TX
How tall are you bro? Do you know your Body Fat%?
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/22/10 4:00 am
It depends on which medical assistant  measures me at the doctors office.  Some times they say 6'1 some times 6'
I like the 6' 1 answer better.
I don't know my body fat percentage.  Using the formulas I posted yesterday, it says about 17%, but I don't trust that, because it is based on weight and waist circumfrence.  I'm sure I have a couple inches of extra skin there that effects both weight and circumfrence.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/22/10 4:20 am - Fort Worth, TX

A couple last questions and then I will give you my input:

How much do you:

* Squat

* Tri Pull Down

* How many pushups can you do at once

* What's the most reps you can do jump ropping at one time?

* Lat Pull down (Wide Arm)

* Lat Pull down (Close arm)

* Leg Extensions

* Sit Ups at one time

* How long can you hold "Plank"

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/22/10 5:13 am
I can't even begin to answer those questions.
My strength routine is almost non existant.  I used to be pretty strong, but sicne surgery, and weight loss, I get outlifted by the girls.  You notice I said girls, not women.  I wouldn't even dream of competing with them, that would be just too demoralizing to think about how badly I would get trashed in a lifting comparrison.

I haven't tried any kind of max lifting in a long time.  Most is 3 set of 12-20 reps

Squat, no idea, never done it.
Tri pull down 45-60 pounds on the tri extension
Pushups 10 if I'm lucky
Never tried the rope jumping, I'm too uncoordinated, I can't jump rope in place to save my life.
Lat pull down, this used to be a strengh for me, but now I'm lucky to do 110 pounds for my routine, not sure what the max is.
Leg extensions always been weak here. 60-65 pounds
Situps, haven't done any since high school
Haven't tried the plank since before my surgery.

Now that I have lost so much strength I just can't get motivated to lift weights.  It is such a let down when I do, and I wasn't seeing any improvement.  I was trying to lift every other day at the Y with a couple other guys, and they were doing twice what I was.  It was nice to have their support, but it was very demoralizing.  I just gave up on it at that point.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/22/10 5:42 am - Fort Worth, TX

Which brings me to my input...

YOU ARE AN ATHLETE!!! First and foremost, let me say that... Beyond that, you ARE a triathlete!!! You are doing a 70.3 this year, something that less than 1% of the earth's population will ever try! So with that in mind, let me speak to you as a fellow triathlete:

1) I do NOT know a single competitive / professional triathlete that cares too much about their weight. More so they care about their strength and body fat%.

2) In losing so much weight in the past 2 years, you also have lost sooo much muscle mass, that is why you are not as strong in the gym. You are VERY focused on your weight and losing more, I personallh think you need to GAIN weight, in the form of lean muscle.

3) Triathletes use the "Off-Season" to make gains.... Strength, muscle, and base. Similar to a weight lifter, it's called periodization. Weight lifters Bulk on the off-season, and then shred or rip or cut weight to get the sculpted look. You need to strength train now, then cut and speed train before the season starts bro.

4) losing 10 pounds will do FAR LESS for you from an athletic perspective, than gaining 10 pounds of lean muscle and doubling your strength. If you can squat 250 pounds, double your leg extension weight, do double the weight on tri extension (Which will make you rip through the water on the swim), you will be a friggin machine.

5) What's keeping you from reaching the next level of fitness and performance is your pride dude. Suck it up, and if you can only bench the bar, screw it, bench the friggin bar and don't worry about what other's do! (Easier said than done I know). But, do it every day, and you will see gains, I promise.

6) Lastly, I percieve that you just consider yourself a "Typical" Bariatric patient, and you ARE NOT!!! I think you need to see yourself for what you really are, and that is an athlete!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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