thanks for sharing successes

Diane G.
on 1/20/10 12:41 pm - winnipeg, Canada
This is the first time I have posted on this forum.  I r
emember a few months ago that someone on the Manitoba (Canada) Forum was asking for a gym buddy and  I thought "yaaa right" !!!! Even though I was 286 lbs preop, have lost over 140 lbs, very successful with my eating habits and doing pretty good at maintaining my weight... my problem was that I am not very active. 

I have walking more, actually rode my bike this summer for the first time in 10-15 yrs (who's counting, right).  But surprise, surprise (to myself) .... I joined the gym with my husband  this month.... actually went 3 x in one week... and kind of liked it.  We saw a personal trainer just to get us on track for starting out at the gym.... a trainer... we are both 51 yrs old and never never thought this was important enough to do (crazy!)  I signed my husband and myself up for social dancing lessons for 11 weeks ... 1 1/2 hrs of dancing.  Ok I am not sure what is happening but I am actually working on a goal that I've had for a while "TO BE MORE ACTIVE"  so far so good.  This from a woman who would drive instead of walking 1 block, take the elevator just to get to the second floor. 

I am very motivated reading the various posts on this forum.  Thanks for your stories and encouragement.

on 1/20/10 6:29 pm - Canada
Welcome to the board fellow Canuck! I am in NB and have been on this board for a few weeks now; I find it helps keep me accountable for my exercise regimen, reporting daily on how I move each day.

Diane G.
on 1/21/10 9:05 am - winnipeg, Canada
Hello Jet,
Nice to hear from you.  I was only following the discussions on the RNY forum but decided to start reading the exercise and fitness articles on this forum and check out what people are doing and saying on this topic.
on 1/20/10 10:08 pm - Fort Worth, TX

   Thanks for posting, and welcome. Some simple thingss to do would be to park at the farthest parking stall at the store and walk. Park at the other side of the mall and walk to the store you need. Don't take the escalator or elevator, find the stairs. You will find that the more you move the more you will WANT to! Stick around, there are a great group of folks here...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Diane G.
on 1/21/10 9:22 am - winnipeg, Canada
Hello Dan,
Thanks for the suggestions.  I have been doing the small stuff. . . .I have been on & off to the gym with my daughter.  Now I made the decision to see a personal trainer (first time ever) and want to follow an exercise plan that I can stick to.  I have lost over 140 lbs just with my healthy eating and a basic level of activity but know that I need to do more.   I love to walk and exercis, but never thought I could manage running... maybe someday???
I read through your blog and wow congrats on achieving so much.... thanks for the support....
on 1/20/10 10:42 pm
Welcome to the board, and thanks for posting and introducing yourself.

Congrats for making the decision to be more active this year.  The people here are full of great ideas and suggestions.  Please ask away if you have any questions.  Just the ideas that people share might spark something for you.  Don't feel you have to do the same level as them, but what they do might give you an idea for some exercise or activity of your own.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Diane G.
on 1/21/10 9:38 am - winnipeg, Canada
Hello Scott,
Thanks for your support....enjoy reading the forum for ideas and challenges that others face.  Will be seeing a personal trainer for the first time tomorrow ... excited to start a program.  I know I can do so much more now as I am 140+ lbs lighter...

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