Starting a exercise program?

on 1/20/10 2:55 am - TX
I really don't know where to start???? Well I'm about 2 1/2 years post-op RNY and I really need a good exercise program to tone up what I can.  I wont be able to afford plastics for a couple for years because I want to pay cash.  I unexpectedly got pregnant 5 months post-op and other than walking I didn't exercise.  Then, when my baby was 5 months old.....I became pregnant again!!! Needless to say.....all I've done as far as exercise has been walking.  Now, I've got a 15 month toddler old and a 6 week old baby!  My lowest post-op weight was 127 lbs.  I'm prob around 140 lbs now....still losing the baby weight and I hope I can get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I was 230 the day of surgery and my surgeons goal for me is 130.....I'd like to be 115-120 but sadly I don't think I will ever see that......

I guess I'm looking for advice, input, suggestions on a good workout program.

Ash :)

RNY 8-6-2007 stats 5'3"  HW-240  SW-232  LW-127 GW-120  CW-135   
Plastics round #1 on 3-23-2011 BL/BA 575cc & 550cc Silicone under the muscle     
Married 9 yrs with 3 kids- Savannah 8, Skyler 2 & Bryder 1

LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat

on 1/20/10 5:32 am - NC
I have to say over the past few weeks I have become very partial to P90X.  I am in week 3 and am loving the results.  I've lost an additional 10 lbs, a bunch of inches, and 2-3 percent of my body fat so far.  The workouts are intense but easy to follow and modify if you are unable to do them well.  You are at a low enough weight that you should not have too much trouble doing it at all.  Overall my fitness level is soaring and I feel great.  I'm really seeing visible changes too in muscle tone.  Many of those TV workouts are a sham but this one is the real deal.  Well worth the money.  You don't even need much equipment...a few different weights of dumbells, or substitute resistance bands, a pullup bar that hangs in your door, or you can use resistance bands here too (I couldn't do pullups at all at first but now am able to do modified pullups), and an exercise mat (highly recommended for some of the things on the ground).  I think you'll love it.  My wife is doing it with me and is also having great results!
on 1/20/10 9:01 am - OR
Hi Ash!

I have BTDT with the kiddo's (except I had a 12month old and a newborn. LOL, yep almost exactly one year apart). I've been doing some cardio (using the couch 2 5k program) and I really enjoy that. I also do some cycling and some strength training. I guess it kind of depends on what you are wanting to do. If you are wanting to start running, I highly recommend the C25k program. Have you looked into any community based programs in your area? One of my local centers offers a Zumba class (you can do a month long thing or just pay a drop in fee when you can make it). Do you have a local swim center where you can do some lap work?

The main thing is what do you LIKE to do. You need to find something you like to stick to it.  I enjoy running and cycling, but don't really care for swimming laps (I find it boring). I enjoy playing in the water (i.e. water polo, play time with the kids, etc.) but to just do laps....

Best wishes!

Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

on 1/20/10 11:49 pm - TX
Thanks to both of you for the input.....I'm on the hunt :)

RNY 8-6-2007 stats 5'3"  HW-240  SW-232  LW-127 GW-120  CW-135   
Plastics round #1 on 3-23-2011 BL/BA 575cc & 550cc Silicone under the muscle     
Married 9 yrs with 3 kids- Savannah 8, Skyler 2 & Bryder 1

LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat

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