Gadget Gimmick

on 1/19/10 1:10 am
Thought I would post this since we see this question a lot. 

Has anyone tried this, or know about this or ?????
Spark People had this posted today.

10 Must-Ask Questions before You Buy Another Exercise Product

1. Does it sound too good to be true?
If it does, it probably is. The people behind these products and ads really are marketing geniuses. In a matter of seconds, they harness your attention. Within minutes, you believe that you can have the body of a fitness model in just minutes a day, too. But we all know that isn't realistic. Looking like a fitness spokesperson has everything to do with a very low body-fat percentage, which takes hard work, time and dedication. Here's another insider trick: When calculating how many calories a new product burns, many companies will test their product on a very large, muscular man to get an inflated number, which skews the calorie burn for most people. If the ad in question is promising results that logically aren't possible, change the channel.

2. Does it target just one body part?
I'm always getting asked how to lose weight from a certain problem area, but no matter where you want to target, the answer is the same: Spot reduction doesn't work. If the Booty Blaster on TV promises that you'll lose inches off your rear, it's lying! There is no way to slim down, lose water weight or trim inches from a specific area of the body just by working that body part. If you have body fat that is hiding your muscles, only a calorie-controlled diet combined with a sound exercise program (that also burns calories via cardio) will solve the problem. The same goes for abs machines that promise to give you a six-pack or whittle away your love handles. Sure, you can make your abs stronger with strengthening and toning exercises (which is awesome!), but you won't go from a size 12 to a size 2 overnight.

3. Does it fail to mention diet or nutrition?
Nutrition is such an integral part of losing inches, building muscle and dropping weight. If a product or fitness program doesn't address the nutrition side of the weight-loss equation (i.e. a reduced-calorie diet), then you can pretty much guarantee that it's a gimmick exaggerating its results. All the exercise in the world will not change your body if your diet isn't also in line with your goals.

4. Is it really that different?
What is most interesting about infomercials is that the products and programs for sale seem so new and revolutionary! The marketing on them really gets you pumped up! But step back and ask yourself if the gizmo, DVD or training plan really is special or if it's just being marketed as something exciting. Time after time, I see new infomercials for strength training products that are all different shapes and sizes and materials. Do they work? Most likely, anything will work if you use them regularly. But are they any better than the tried-and-true pieces of equipment at the gym (dumbbells, resistance bands, stability balls, etc.)? Probably not.

5. Are the dramatic results what interest me?
If you answer yes to this question, run away from the phone. Do not "act now" and order the product. If you're desperate to lose weight and the claims of rapid weight loss or dramatic results are persuading you to pick up that phone to order, take a deep breath and remind yourself that buying the product itself won't help you lose weight. Using it regularly, along with a healthy diet and sound fitness program will. And if the product or program doesn't interest you at all, then it's probably not a smart buy, no matter how effective it appears to be. For example, if you have two left feet and would never be caught dead on a dance floor, ordering a set of hip-hop dance DVDs probably won't work for you—even if it has worked for others.

6. Is the creator of the product MIA?
The safest, most effective fitness products and programs were created by qualified fitness professionals with degrees in exercise science and/or advanced certifications in personal training or group exercise. If the creator of the product is not certified or fails to mention the qualifications of his or her expertise, be wary! Do some additional research first (see number 9). If a celebrity or model is promoting a product, be sure that an exercise scientist or fitness professional has provided the science.

7. Will it too hard or too easy for me to use?
Some fitness products out there are incredibly challenging and completely unsuitable for beginners. In fact, one of the most popular infomercials, P90X, gives even the fittest people a challenge. On the other side, some other DVDs and products are much easier and would not be appropriate for a seasoned exerciser. Look closely at the moves and the exercises shown on TV and see if you can do them. If your knees start aching after a couple moves, it probably is not for you.

8. Do the testimonials come from paid actors?
Although this has changed in the last few years, infomercials are notorious for paying actors and models to provide testimonials. Pay close attention to the small print at the bottom of the screen. By law, it has to tell you if the testimonials come from real people who have used the product or from actors performing a "dramatization."

9. Does it have many negative reviews online?
It's always good to perform an online search for the product's name along with the word "review" to see what comes up. There are a number of sites dedicated to reviewing products in infomercials. Look up your product and see what people like you are saying about it—preferably on a website that is not affiliated with the product (such as Every product will have a few negative reviews, but if you see nothing but bad comments about it, you're probably better off without it.

10. Do you have to have it right now?
If you're ready to act now, this may be an impulse purchase akin to that king-size candy bar, only more expensive. Infomercials are designed to make you want you to buy now. And they always offer special deals, last-minute offers and other incentives to get you to pick up the phone before you miss a "one-time" opportunity. Give it some time and thought. Make yourself wait at least a day to decide if you still really want it and will use it. The answer might surprise you. Some ideas seem better at 3 a.m. than they do in the daylight!

Overall, it's best to use your common sense when purchasing a fitness product from an infomercial. While many of them are a little gimmicky, there are plenty out there that can produce results! However, remember, for any product to truly work, you have to use it. It's not the Bowflex or the ThighMaster that gets you moving, it's YOU!

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Scott William
on 1/19/10 1:30 am
With me, I could have the best product ever made sitting in my sun room and all it's going to do is collect dust and clothes.  I personally am just not going to use exercise equipment at home.  I need to get out, either on a run or to the gym. 

When looking into a product, my biggest question to really ask myself if I am going to use it.  The answer is almost always no.  You have to be honest with yourself.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 1/19/10 1:42 am
I agree with you.  I have my bike trainer at home and I use that.  But other than that I need to go to the gym.  I have tried the weight benches and other things at home and I just don't use them.  It's too easy to just sit on my butt and watch TV.

I would like to have/try a treadmill at home, but the cost for a top notch one is several years worth of gym membership.  So I can't really justify it to myself.  Plus if it breaks or needs maintenance, then the cost just continues to rise.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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