WHY can't I get started??

on 1/8/10 1:26 pm - Farmington Hills, MI
I just can not bring myself to exercise on a regular basis. Of course, I know I need to but I do not like leaving my house to exercise and don't have anyone in my neighborhood to buddy up with. It makes me feel bad about myslef, as I know I could lose the weight (I've stop losing after 70 pd loss) What motivates you guys? Any suggestions? (please don't say "Just do it" - if I could I would)
Scott William
on 1/8/10 1:50 pm
I think that what motivates most of us is our next race.  Do you race?  If not, perhaps you could start.  Many of have goals for '10.  I have heard a few people that want to run an average of 3 miles a day for the year (1095 total).  I want to run at least a mile a day for a year straight.  I would really recommend finding a local 5K that is sometime between April and July and sign up to do it.  That will get you out the house.  You can use the couch to 5K program.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 1/8/10 2:51 pm - Northern, CA
I started out slow and built up. So first it was one 1 workout a week, then 2, then 3, etc.

Plus, I have goals. Race I do, events I sign up for. I'm doing a Century ride in Feb. so I *have* to bike every week or it will be a miserable experience.

When I was first starting out, I signed up for a 5k race.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 1/8/10 9:01 pm - NY

Hi Kristy,

Welcome!!  When I started on a regular exercise routine, I joined the YMCA.  I signed up for a program they had where you are assigned a trainer.  The program itself didn't cost me anything extra above the monthly membership fee.  I had to write on a sheet of paper some info. about myself and what my goals were.  My goal was to go 3X's a week, minimum.  That's what I've been doing every since.

During the winter months, I did a swimming class which was really fun and I met some nice people.  That helped to motivate me to go back.  The instructor is awesome too.  Then in the spring, I signed up for a "Learn How to Run a 5K" class and we met every week and had an assignment during the week to run 2-3 other times.  That helped to motivate me.

Now, I'm planning on doing the Iron Girl in August, so I'm motivated to stay in shape.  There's a class this morning I'm attending about completing a triathalon.

I guess being around other people who like doing what I like doing really helps to motivate me.  I also do a lot of zumba classes which is a mix of aerobics and dancing.  It's a lot of fun.  I try to mix up things I really like doing along with things that are just good for me.  Then I don't get too bored. 

Maybe if you sign up for something that peaks your interest that will help motivate you.  I know I like being in a group setting best.  I run on the treadmill, but would rather be outside running with people. 

Good luck to you.  I hope this helped.

Tammy :-)

on 1/8/10 9:06 pm - NY
BTW - Congratulations on the 70 pound loss.  I was told 60 is average, and you are above that, so you have exceeded expectations.  WTG!!
on 1/8/10 10:55 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Why did you have surgery? Use that as your motivation. I always carry a picture of my old self with me in some way shape or form, and use that. When I go to the gym I set the picture of the old me on the treadmill in front of me, that motivates me. The bottom line is, you and everyone else who had WLS MUST find a way to motivate yourselves because without regular excercise, there is bound to be weight regain, and I know you do not want that. At first it will become a chore and a hastle, then it will become a habit, then you will come to enjoy it. Most everytime something is difficult for someone, they started off disliking it.... With persistant discipline to do this, you will reap the emotional, sometimes spiritual, and health related rewards that come along with excercise and fitness. Best of luck....In your closing remark, Replace the words "Could" with "Can" and replace the word "Would" with "Will" and "If" with "Because".... "IF I COULD I WOULD" rather "BECAUSE I CAN, I WILL"!!! You can do anything you want regardless of circumtance, if you want it bad enough... No more excuses, that's the OLD you talking, find the NEW you and get out there and make it happen... There are 3 kinds of people in this world:
1) People Who watch things happen
2) People who make things happen
3) And people who say "What Happened?"

Which are YOU going to choose to be today?

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group: www.obesityhelp.com/group/Post_Op_PRs/

Linn D.
on 1/8/10 11:10 pm - Missoula, MT
No formerly obese person really LIKES getting out there and being seen.  The thing you don't realize is that most other people who would see you out walking/exercising will think how great it is that you're doing it! 

Leaving the house is usually the best idea whether you like it or not,  It's easy to isolate yourself and thereby make it that much harder.  Find a way to be accountable to yourself for your health and well-being,  No one else can do it for you - it has to come from within.

Honestly, I'm a person who believes that you can do anything you will to do, so your will just isn't there at this point.  Put all the pros and cons in a list and see which list truly puts your needs first.  Excuses are easy to come by, but putting yourself and your health at the top of the list makes the 'reasons' you can't do something make less sense.

on 1/9/10 1:55 am - Canada
Hi Kristi,

Let me start by congratulating you on your achievment thus far. Exercise is a vital part of the bandster's, as with all other WLS,  new lifestyle.

January 9th, 2009, I weighed 190lbs and could barely walk on a treadmill. This morning, I ran 6 miles and wighed in at 147lbs! What a difference a year makes. Like Dan, the thought of going back to my old self, motivates. Three other things that get me going are Olam, Yakira and Piade, my three kids. My 12 year old daughter & I have run 5K races together. I never thought I would see the day where I would be able to do that.

All three of my kids are taekwondo black belts; one has her 2nd degree and will be testinf for her 3rd this year! One day, I want to earn my black belt as well. At the moment, I am not able to join because of my work schedule. But one day, I will.

Set goals for yourself; both short term & long term. All things are possible to them that believe; do you believe?


on 1/9/10 10:47 am - Canada
Oh man, do I know that feeling!!!  I am exactly the same way.  But I finally thought "I've had enough" and went downstairs to the weight room this morning and did 20 sit ups.  Then i cried for half an hour because I suck at this exercise stuff and don't know what I'm doing.  But since reading this post and all the responses, I think tomorrow I will go downstairs and maybe do a few arm curls (bicep and triceps) then the next day, I'll do some squats or something.  I guess the thing is to just keep going down and doing SOMETHING.  I heard someone say once: BELIEVE PERSIST ACHIEVE. 
Hey Kristy, maybe we can do this together.  My laptop weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and when I lift it, my stomach muscles contract - it's a start - and that's all we really need.
Good luck
on 1/9/10 12:09 pm - OR
I'm a newbie to the exercise thing as well. I find that I do better if I set goals for myself. i.e. I wanted to run a 5k, so I started the couch 2 5K program. The first day you start out with 60 seconds of jogging then 90 seconds of walking and so on for a total of 20 minutes. I thought that first 60 seconds of jogging was going to kill me. LOL. Now I run about 30 minutes without any walking at all! I'm still not fast but I am moving! Try small goals and then once you get to that goal make the next one just a little harder. On my bike the first day I wanted to go two miles, I did. It was slow, but I did it. I slowly increased the amount I bike. I went from two miles to four miles, to six miles. etc. Just enough of a difference that I felt I was accomplishing something and didn't set the goals so high that if I couldn't accomplish them. Good Luck!
Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

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