calies in vs calories out having a hard time balancing

on 1/6/10 12:32 am
I quit tracking towards the end of last year, and damn I gained back 10 pounds. Now I'm having those feelings of failure associated with previous weight gain.

I seem to be having a hard time balancing calories in vs. calories out and exercise. I either don't have enough energy for my workouts (not eating enough), or I am eating so much that I'm gaining weight and not working out enough. I can't seem to find that balance.

I have started tracking again, but the scale doesn't seem to be moving yet.  I would like to lose that 10 pounds again plus another 10 and get down to a racing weight.

It's weird, 1000-1200 calories doesn't feel like enough, I'm tired, especially my legs.
1500-1800 calories and I seem to be gaining weight (which doesn't seem right to me)  I should still be losing weight with those calories.

Suggestions, how do you dial it in?


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/6/10 1:03 am - Colonial Heights, VA

If you are exercising regularly, the 1500-1800 calries may be necessary to overcome fatigue if they are good calories (protein, complex carbs etc, and a toucho f fats to keep things moving :O).)  A little wieght gain may be the result of your exercising. 

At my lowest weight post-op I quickly picked up 10 pounds when I increase my running distance and days of work,...but my waist got smaller.  So I am an advocate of the waistline (and other measurements) over the scales for monitoring success of my maintenance and progress.

Note I also found that I upped my protein from 60-120 to 180-200 gms a day helped fatigue and recovery.  As I got to beyond 10K, I found it helpful to increase carbs before workout and protein after for recovery.  I also found over the counter potassium supplement aided me overcomng dizziness and leg weakness ( I have gone from 1 to 3 a day).  

As my distance picked up when training for my first 10K I had some recurring fatigue that wouldn't seem to go away.  First I upped my B-12 intake and that helped but wasn't the answer.  I learned what the real problem was;  I needed more iron.  My RNY surgeon's nutritionist recommended I go from reg multivitamin with 18 mg iron to a prenatal that has 28.  That progressed to taking 2 prenatal vitamins and that did the trick on the fatigue for me.  That was about my 8 month mark and I still take them at 4 yrs out.  I upped my B-12 from 500 to 1000 mg a day and that make a noticeable difference.  I use the subinguals and get all my stuff (vitamins, supplements, and protein bars and powder) from Walmart because I'm cheap and they work for me.

You will be successful as long as you are honest with yourself; eating smart, exercising and getting your water. 

Don't get discouraged, isn't always fun doing what we should but it is always worth it.  It is a way of life.  If I stop doing what I learned post-op and digrest to my old habits,.. the weight comes back just like before.  I don't wever want to go back that way.

You have come a long way and had good success, tie a knot in the end of your rope and hang in there!  
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 1/6/10 1:43 am - Gig Harbor, WA
I just joined a group on OH it is for those of us who want to drop 10 pounds of regain. I need to lose more than 10 but joined anyway. Here is the link if you are interested;

I feel the same way as you decribed. If my calories are under 1400 on days I exercise I am feeling shaky and yucky by the end of the day but am not losing on my 16-1800 calories.
on 1/6/10 3:47 am
Thanks, I'll check it out!


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/6/10 3:29 am - Fort Worth, TX

   You just had surgery and are recovering! Give yourself a break.. There is recovery and excess fluids floating around so don't worry about it too much until you can get back into your full blown regimen. Give me an idea of what your typical day is like... list everything if you would...(Food)
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/6/10 3:40 am, edited 1/6/10 3:46 am
I had gained those 10 pounds back before the surgery.
I just started tracking again yesterday, so I'll have a little bit to go on in a couple days.

I really think it was a combination of poor eating during the holidays, and not being really sure of my balance.  Making sure i have enough to work out with and still not be gaining fat.

I'm pretty sure it's fat, because my pants are fitting tighter.  So the bulge is at the waist line.

This was my last full week of working out
*click to COPY "checked" PLANNED workouts to LOG
Date   PLAN Description
WU: 500 free, 3x100 RLCS on 30sr, 200 kick.
MS: 5x200 on 30 sr as 1 free/1pull. 5x100 as10sr as 1 easy/ 1 fast.
CD: 300 as 150 free/150 pull.
WU: 10 min easy, 4x 30 sec SLD, MS: 5x 3 min at hr#3low/ 1 min easy, 5x 2 min at Hr#3high/ 1 min easy, 5x 1 min at Hr#4/ 1 min easy- all in aero bars at 85-95 rpm,
Cool-down: 10 min easy.

20-30 minutes after your ride.
Total body workout
2300.0 yd
WU: 600 free, 3x100 RLCS on 30sr, 200 kick.
MS: Step test. 7x100 on 45sr. Descend 1-7. 500 free every 4th 25 fast.
CD: 300 as 150 free/150 pull.
45 minute tempo run. Stay focused, stay fast. Pretend like your running a 10k.
OPTIONAL easy ride of 30 minutes.
  Rest Complete rest day. Take this day OFF!!!!
02hr 00min 
120 minutes in hr low 2.
15-20 minutes.
Long run.
Total body workout


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/6/10 3:51 am - Fort Worth, TX
Do you have your food logged, or an idea of what you have been eating in a day?
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/6/10 4:19 am, edited 1/6/10 4:21 am
Meal Item Brand Item Name Calories Sugars Carbs Fats Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber Your Servings Your Total Calories
breakfast Knudsen Lowfat Cottage Cheese 2% 100 4g 4g 2.5g 14g 15mg 390mg 0g 2 200
breakfast Nature's Path Organic Cereal Pumpkin Flax Plus Granola 260 10g 37g 10g 6g 0mg 45mg 5g 0.33 85.8
dinner   Apple - Carrot muffins 146 12.3604 28.0433 3.1097 3.9889 22.21 103.2048 3.7506 1 146
dinner   Orange Roughy 200 1.2g 4.85g 3.1g 19.7g 68mg 538mg .35g 0.5 100
dinner   shrimp 80 0g 0g 1g 18g 165mg 190mg 0g 0.75 60
dinner   Steamed Whole Dungeness Crab 140   1.2g 1.6g 28.3g 97mg 480mg   0.5 70
evening snack Pacific Gold (Costco) Beef Jerky - Original 70 6g 9g 1g 9g 10mg 480mg   1 70
lunch   Flaxseed, Ground 74 0.2g 4g 6g 2.6g 0mg 4mg 3.8g 1 74
lunch   Egg Beaters 30 1g 1g 0g 6g 0mg 115mg 0g 3 90
lunch Ham Ham 90   0g 2.5g 16g 150mg 970mg   0.75 67.5
post-workout Costco Edamame Dry Roasted 130 1g 10g 4g 14g 0mg 150mg 8g 1 130
spread through the day I use instead of milk or creamer in my coffee   Pure Protein Shake Light 100 1g 4g .5g 21g 10mg 180mg 2g 1 100
Exercise Done Minutes Calories Burned Heart Rate Distance                
Treadmill - level @ 5 mph 36 452 0 3.00 miles                
Bicycling - stationary, light 50 401 0 15.00 miles                
  Calories Sugars Carbohydrates Fat Protein Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Fiber        
  1193.3 35.46 81.28 27.88 148.07 390.96 3,436.05 19.38        
  Calories Allowed 1,500.00                    
  Calories Consumed 1,193.30                    
  Calories Burned 853                    
  Net Calories 340.3                    

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/6/10 5:55 am - Fort Worth, TX
This is just my opinion:

You are not eating enough! I would guess your BMR is probably 2200 Calories +/- a little. I also think for an endurance athlete, your carbs are WAY low! I read an interesting article about endurance athletes and carbs needed in the off-season. One plan called for me to have 900-1000G of carbs a day, which is tough with my pouch. On this day's example you give, you had less than 100. I also don't think you are getting enough fats. You should try to add olive oil to everything you can, and eat some almonds, walnuts, and cashews, or avocados or salmon for these good fats.

This explains to me why you do not have the energy you need. When we do not give our body enough fuel, it holds on to what it has (FAT) for the energy it needs, thus SLOWING down our metabolism. Just my 2 cents...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/6/10 5:58 am - Fort Worth, TX
I think you should stop considering yourself just a post-op patient and start thinking of yourself as an athlete. To put it into perspective, your carbohydrate intake was the equivalent of 3 Gels, for the whole day! Try to get your carbs primarily from fruits and veggies, coupled with complex carbs and you will feel way better and will more than likely perform better...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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