
on 1/5/10 1:47 am - Richmond, IN
Hello! I'm new to this forum. I figured this is the place to ask my question.

I have stalled for several months and would like to lose at least 30 more pounds. I started a regular exercise program a couple of months ago - I had been hit and miss with walking. I go to the gym every other day, at least 3 and sometimes 4 times a week, and do 18 minutes on the bike or treadmill (alternating), then about 20 minutes on the weight machines. I know in order to tone I need to do high reps, low weights, so I usually do 20-30 lbs. for upper body, 3 sets of 15, and about 70 lbs for leg presses and squats, 2-3 sets of 15, plus about 30 lbs. on the abdominal machine. My question is this: Would it hurt to do it two days in a row sometimes? I've always heard you're supposed to take a day of rest in between when working out with weights, but since I'm not using heavy weights, bodybuilding, etc., I just wondered. Sometimes if there's a holiday or I have to work a different schedule, etc., I can't get to the gym and I'd like to make sure I always get there at least three times a week, and more if possible. I know I can do cardio every day, I'm just wondering about the weight work. I alternate machines every other day, so I work different muscle groups.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 1/5/10 4:02 am - Fort Worth, TX

Hey Jenny,

Congrats and welcome!! The input I might give ou is to give your body enough time to rest / recover between working out the same muscle groups. It is not good to work out the same muscle groups back-to-back days. Here is a sample split workout you can try:

Monday: Shoulders / Triceps/ Abs
Tuesday: Back
Wed: Cardio or off
Thursday: Chest / Biceps / Abs

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Cardio or off

Sunday: OFF


Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/5/10 4:23 am - Cumming, GA
personally, i work out 5 days a week cardio, and 3 or 4 days a week with weights (probably drifts closer to 3 on average).  Like Dan says, the key is to not work out the same muscle group two days in a row so they can rest.  I typically have 3 distinct weight workouts that i rotate through:  1)  Chest/Tricep, 2) Upper Back, Shoulders, Bicep, and 3) Legs/Core (core = abs and lower back)...

best of luck to you!
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 1/5/10 5:15 am - Richmond, IN
Thanks guys! I'll certainly take your advice.

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

Linn D.
on 1/5/10 5:34 am - Missoula, MT

In addition the advice from Dan and Bill, you can do cardio just about every day if you like, but try doing a minimum of 30 minutes with your heart rate at least at 140 (moderate range) for 5 days a week.  Since you're not used to that mu*****rease the time gradually though.  I'm not in training for really long distance events, but I still take one day a week completely off to let my body rest and heal.

The new guidelines from the NIH say you should do a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio 5 days a week for overall and heart health.  Strength and weight bearing exercises are also important for bone health.  So the best idea is to accomplish both as you can. Don't feel like you have to do it all right now.  It's really important to increase gradually to avoid getting injured.

on 1/5/10 11:55 pm - Richmond, IN

It's surgeon at my last appointment was much more adamant about my starting to lift weights than the cardio workouts. He said that building muscle will raise my basal metabolic rate, and that since muscle burns more calories than fat, I will burn more calories all the time, not just when working out. Since I have a limited amount of time, I've been limiting the cardio to 18-20 minutes to make sure I can do a full circuit of weight work. I think, though, that I'm going to start lap swimming on my "off" days from the gym. That should help with the cardio AND muscle issues. Thanks for your reply!


He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

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