Monday Workouts... It's On Like Donkey Kong!!!

on 1/3/10 10:26 pm, edited 1/4/10 11:56 am - Fort Worth, TX
GOOD MORNING ALL..... I hope everyone is well this morning and is ready to get back to the grind and make this the best year of your life!!! I ran 10k (6.2 Miles) in 52:56 this morning and followed that with 102 flights of stairs on the stairmaster in 20 minutes. Lifting and swimming tonight.


UPDATE**** Went back to the gym this evening and swam 2500 Meters in 44:14. Have a good night...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/3/10 10:46 pm - Troy, MI
Well I got up early this morning and went to the gym, 20 minutes on the AMT machine and 30 minutes lifting weights. Tonight, I have Krav Maga class and thats about 60 minutes long.
on 1/3/10 11:24 pm

16.16 miles down, 1078.84 to go and 350 days to get there! Today was my first day of running since surgery. Ugh everything was unhappy at first, then I found a speed and cadence that pretty much cooperated for the next 4 miles.  I want to get on the bike trainer tonight, but we have cub scouts, so not sure how much energy I am going to have after that.

Thank god for  underarmor or the cheap Wal-Mart knock off stuff anyhow.  I think I am going to go and try on a size that is one size too small, see if that holds things in place any better.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/4/10 12:26 am - Fort Worth, TX
I am telling you bro... go to the sporting good store and get one of these... It's been my saving grace:

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/4/10 12:32 am
What is it Dan,
A weight lifters belt, or a back brace or ????



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/4/10 12:43 am - Fort Worth, TX
It's a little of both... i pull it nice n tight on EVERY RUN, whether I am training or racing. I wear it over compresion so the rubber doesn't rub me raw (been there done that) and I ran today for the last .25 miles at 12MPH on the treadmill with NO Jigglies :) . I think this is a big reason why my stomach does not get upset when I run with food in it... No jostling around!!! $15 could do the trick...I NEVER run without it... PERIOD!!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 1/4/10 12:42 am
Nevermind, I found it on Amazon.

It's worth giving it a try, thanks for the suggestion.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/4/10 12:46 am - Fort Worth, TX
I use the one with magnets... They don't do crap, but I liked it better than the one with a zipper....
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Scott William
on 1/4/10 12:36 am
Dan:  The 10K is nice but that 102 flights in 20 min - whew!  Talk about max HR!  Nice work.

Scotty Boy - way to chip at that goal.  Glad that you are recovering from the surgery.  My son did cub scouts last year and I could not have been happier when he said he didn't want to do it amymore.  I still made him for a few more weeks to make sure but it was not my cup of tea.

I had an awesome workout today.  There were not time constraints and I was there for almost two hours.  Usually, I am in and out in 1.5 with a shower.  Today I am off and no shower was needed.  Anyway, 3 miles on the TM and...

Flat bench dumbell press  65 for 8; 75 for 8; 85 for 6
Cable crossovers  80 for 10; 95 for 8; 110 for 8
Seated rows 100 for 10 and 160 for 2 - felt a twinge in the low back so I moved on
Seated rows Nautilus machine (not sure of weight) but 3 sets of 8
Seated military press 125 for 8; 135 for 8; 145 for 6
Two handed front raises 60 for 8; 70 for 6; 70 for 6
1 reverse grip pull up
2 sets - plank @ 30 seconds

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 1/4/10 12:48 am - Fort Worth, TX
Gotta love those friggin planks! Yoga is the proverbial Yin & Yang!!!
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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