
on 1/1/10 4:58 pm - marietta, GA
 I need some help, I'm 5 years out... my weight is 166 , but my motivation is terrible! I have not been in the gym for several months, I'm so disappointed in my self.
Any suggestions? 
on 1/1/10 7:06 pm
Tina, it's easy for this to happen, but the biggest question that I have for motivation is why did you have the surgery?  Correct medical issues, feel better, live better, look better, family, etc.  The mental herdal is the toughest.  It's easy to get complacent.

I know there are some days where I certainly don't feel like getting up off the couch and putting on my running shoes, but I almost always feel better once I have completed the workout.

Another motivation technique I use is to sign up for a race.  I pay for something in advance then I have motivation to train for it.

Maybe exercise for the point of exercise isn't for you, then find an activity you like that is exercise disguised as fun.  Play soccer, basketball, tennis, dancing, anything that gets your heart pumping and you exercising.  If it is a fun activity you probably won't notice that you are getting a workout, you will be too focused on enjoying what you are doing to see it as exercise.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/2/10 12:04 am - marietta, GA
I had the surgery  to correct medical problems, and that has happened, im so grateful for the better health, but lately staying motivated has and is so hard. 
Thanks for the help, I will look into a few interest I have and try them out.
on 1/3/10 1:55 pm - belding, MI
there is many ways we can do excercise we do not all need to go to a gymn i started during commercials tonight by doing simple stretch excercises we also have a wii fit that is quite fun. i feel that the key to success if by putting fun into it, for example if you like dancing put on your favourite music and get moving. keep going we are here with you on this road of journey.
on 1/1/10 9:15 pm - Bethesda, MD
what are your goals ?
on 1/2/10 12:08 am - marietta, GA
 I would like to lose 6 to 8 lbs, that is about it.
on 1/1/10 11:34 pm - NY

Hi Tina,

You got some great advice from Scott.  Something I'd like to add is how about doing your measurements.  As our weight loss slows, and you workout, you can still lose inches and stay at the same weight.  By taking your measurements, you may be motivated to workout more knowing that you'll recheck them in a few months.

This is something I'm going to do because my weight loss is really slowing down now that I'm getting closer to goal.  I enjoy working out, but because I'm not seeing the weight drop like it was, this will be a good way to measure success.

Another great way to measure how much healthier your heart is, is to do a resting heart rate.  You can check it for one minute and write that number down.  As you become more fit and lose weight, that number will decrease because your heart will be stronger and you won't have as much weight on you. 

Hope these things help.  Happy New Year.

Tammy :-)

on 1/2/10 12:11 am - marietta, GA
 Thanks, I'll try that.
Katie H.
on 1/2/10 2:32 am - Charlton, MA
I got a fitness evaluation done at the gym (pretty much what everyone else mentioned - resting & recovery heart rates, # situps, stretching/flexibility, bp, % body fat, etc...) and they'll do it every three months so that's a great way to see progress you've made as well as compare yourself to the national average.  Once you get the first one done you can make yourself mini goals based off of that as something to work towards. 

You can try to find a work out partner so you're more motivated to go to the gym or be active.  I reward myself with new music for my iPod - nice because I get new tunes and I can listen to them when I'm working out! :) Sometimes if I hit my planned workouts everyday for a week then I'll get a new magazine or an iced coffee. 

I'm not going to lie, I put little a little "X" on my calendar every day that I work out - I think of it as my own little positive reinforcement - and my calendar is hung up right next to my fridge (which is covered with before & after pics).  I also signed up for the Runner's World quote of the day which gets emailed out daily.  It's a motivational quote, mostly that have to do with running (duh), but they're pretty good at making me put my sneakers on and go warm up my car in the morning. :)

"Running has the power to change your life. It will make you fitter, healthier, even happier."   ~Selene Yeager, "Let's Get Started," May 2010 issue of Runner's World

on 1/2/10 9:42 am - marietta, GA
 Thanks for the advice...
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