Frustrated with foot issues-1/2 is only 6 weeks away!

on 12/3/09 12:32 am - AZ
Grrrr! I am so frustrated with my foot problems.  I have been having pain and soreness on the top of my foot from the big toe down and on the outer edge of my right foot.  I FINALLY got in to see the podiatrist and let's just say he was less than helpful.  He mumbled some mumbo jumbo about various tendon strains, recommended I continue/go back to wearing my orthotics and referred me for some physical therapy.  So I went next door to the therapy place and they can't get me in for 2 weeks (Dec. 14th which then puts me only 1 month out from my 1/2).  So I go back to the podiatrist's office and ask for some exercises I could maybe do in the meantime because I can't wait that long to start fixing the problem and still be somewhat remotely trained for my 1/2.  He goes next door to talk to the actual PT who I will be seeing and brings me back a flyer of stretches, which great, but they are all hip stretches and he claims my right foot "probably" flops out a bit when I run and strengthening the hip should solve the problem (of course did he look at my running shoes which I had brought with me or watch me run? No!).  He had asked if I had any hip pain and I told him no but I was having some groin pain in the same leg.  He then decided the groin pain was hip pain and that is why I'm having foot pain.  I understand body parts can be related but that seems a little strange to me.  In the meantime I'm supposed to do very little if any running until I see the PT.  And no it's not a shoe problem...these shoes have less than 200 miles on them.

How many of you have ever ran a long race with very little actual running training?  I know I can swim and pick up the bike and maybe the elliptical.  Will keeping my cardio up with those methods give me enough stamina to run the 1/2?  I'm doing the 1/2 no matter what even if I end up walking alot of it.  Hey I paid $90 for the race and my sister is running it as part of Team in Training to celebrate her successful cancer treatment so I'm not missing the race!

Enough ranting...just needed to get all that off my chest.

3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 12/3/09 1:57 am

I was sick for at least 2 weeks or so prior to my first 1/2 marathon.  I missed all of my preceeding long runs, I hadn't had anything over 8 miles and didn't manage anything above 3 miles during those couple weeks preceeding the race.  I got in some spinning on the bike and no swimming during this period.

I was terribly worried about my endurance and ability to run the distance.  My whole goal was to run the entire thing.  I worked myself up pretty good about failing before I even toed the start line.

Everyone told me don't worry, you won't lose your conditioning it will be o.k. you can do it.

They were right.  Maybe some rest will do you some good.  Give the foot time to heal. 


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 12/3/09 3:19 am - Levittown, PA

Sorry your having issues.   Just know you can do the race ... even if you do walk/ run intervals. 

Here is what I would suggest though.   Find your local running club and ask them who they recommend for sports injuries.    In my area we have both a great podiatrist and a chiropractor who are runners themselves and really have a different approach to handling sports injuries.   Most doctors will tell you ... if it hurts ... don't do that anymore.   Well we know NOT doing it is not an option so we need the guidance of those with both medical experience and practical running experience to help us through and have a realistic expectation of what is possible.

Good luck!

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on 12/3/09 3:38 am - AZ
Thanks to both of you for your suggestions and your words of encouragment!  I only wish we had a local running club that I could ask people for tips from.  Alas I live in a small town, no running club, one podiatrist and a handful of chiropracters (and I love mine, although they haven't been able to help with this particular injury).  I'm trying to be patient but y'all know how frustrating this kind of stuff can be, especially now that I actually like running :)
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


Cassie W.
on 12/3/09 3:52 am

Cross training does an amazing job at protecting your endurance while you heal.  Due to an IT band injury, I ran the 2009 Disney marathon with only 6 weeks of actual running (longest run was 10 miles).  The rest of my training was all biking, swimming, walking on the treadmill and a little elliptical. 

The six weeks before the marathon, I ran a little bit and supplemented with the cross training so I still put in the training time as I eased back into the running.  For example, when my long run would have normally been 3 hours, I ran an hour and biked 2.

If you have any flexibility in your schedule, ask the PT facility to call you if they have a cancellation.  With the high cost of co-pays, cancellations are common.

When I'm injured I try to focus on other fitness elements that I tend to neglect when I'm running for a healthy diversion... for me it's my core, upper body, strength, and flexibility.

Rest, recover and then enjoy the race!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 12/3/09 4:20 am - Cumming, GA
agreed with the other posters, you can rely on cross-training for fitness/endurance.  with my IT band issues i was only able to get in one run over 8 miles before my half last week (and that was a 10 miler on the TM 4 days before the race).  i did a lot of biking (mostly stationary) and some swimming and had NO issues with endurance.  good luck!
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right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

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