Thursday workouts

on 12/3/09 12:28 am - Cumming, GA
hit the gym this morning, did 30+ minutes of weights (back/bi/shoulder), 156 floors on the stairmaster in 35 minutes, and then a 65 minute spin on the stationary bike....

Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 12/3/09 2:02 am - TX
4 miles.  34 degrees.

on 12/3/09 7:48 am - Port Huron, MI
 5 miles @ 10/miles.  Getting  the distance back.  Body had another 1-2 miles in it but I went without gloves in 37* weather and am actually typing this with the 3 fingers I can still feel, lol
on 12/3/09 9:59 am - Levittown, PA
3.1 Miles @ 9:00 pace

Off tomorrow!!  Woohoo for a day of rest.

HW 341/SW 309/CW 169/GW 190   172 lb. loss with my DS -  Subscribe to me on YouTube!
Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 1-11-11 Lower Body Lift, Thigh Lift, Upper Body Lift, Arm Lift and Male Breast Reduction

If you are a MALE and are interested in MALE PLASTICS AFTER WLS click to join our OH Group!

Elisa K.
on 12/3/09 10:08 am - Lumberton, NJ
Did a 5 mile run after work.  I usually don't like running in the dark, but I am enjoying all the christmas lights!!
Scott William
on 12/3/09 11:05 am
2.3 miles at 8:45 pace.

156 floors?  That's kick ass!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 12/3/09 11:06 am, edited 12/3/09 11:06 am

45-50mins on the treadmill. top speed 4.6mph walking

 this is typical for me at this time and an improvement in speed and stamina over my previous treadmill work. 6 months in the gym now. its been a rewarding experience in more ways then one

 its nice when i see fit people hop on a treadmill after me and finish before me. sure, they are running, but they are more fit then i. so i figure MY workout=there workout. sort of....

 anyway, they are GONE and i am still on that thing, walking away. its a nice feeling


on 12/3/09 12:17 pm - Fort Worth, TX
A bloody, dreadful, awful, boring, frustrating treadmill run... Needed a long run today (16-18 miles) but with flurries and 15-20mph winds and temps in low 20s w/ wind chill, no thanks to being outside! Oh well, got a little bit of work in... Taper for marathon next weekend will start in a couple days...

Exercise Log

remove Running, 6.7 mph (9 min/mile) Time: 1h 8m 17s  |  Exercise Calories Burned: 1233 Cal  |  Distance: 7.50 mi
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 12/4/09 2:22 am - Northern, CA
Crossfit. I got there late and bathroom was locked so I had to change in my car!

We did 400m of lunges followed by 10 sets of 10 kettlebell swings, 5 burpies and 5 somethings (you lift the kettlebell from the ground up to chest height).

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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