Who's Trotting on Thanksgiving Day? My story.......FUNNY

on 11/25/09 12:01 pm, edited 11/27/09 8:40 pm - Dayton, OH
VSG on 07/22/14
Trained to run, but had to walk due to overtraining, runner's knee, IT band the usual suspects...

Here's the story.....got up at 4:30 drank some warm click made w 8oz milk and SF caramel syrup, then some water, then some milk, then some water, then some water.................

Made it to the race with tons of time to pee and warmup for my walk, my knees are bad so I'm under orders not to run.  Tucked my key into my bra (car) as I always do.  I wore the zip-up sports bra today, I have raced in it before without incident and train in it..............  I get warmed up.  I stretch.  I get in line a half hour before start time to pee again, lines of course are long, there are 6700 runners.........it's a busy race in a small town, Miamisburg Ohio. 

I had stopped drinking an hour before the race so I would have an empty bladder.  Old habits die hard with having stress incontinence from age 18-36.  I didn't know there would only be ONE water station for a 5 mile race!  Sigh........next time a water bottle, but I wasn't worried, hey I was just walking!  I'm starving all the sudden at the start of the race, the milk and protein shake did not stay with me, but hey I had a fill yesterday, I had to be REALLY Careful with morning eating today!

So I make it to mile marker 2, water station at 26 min and I can't believe it, I'm WALKING 13 minute miles...........how cool is that?  I used to run slower than that, heck, just this September I was running slower than that!  So anyway, I'm rolling feeling confident, ****y even and the universe SMACKED me hard.  My bra POPPED came completely unzipped and out bounce my tiny but not very perky 34B/Cs...........hilarious, right?  So, I'm a genius and try to reach up under my two long sleeve technical tees but those babees need air to get them zipped back into place so I pull off the road and  I am standing next to some person's dirty shed and the kid and mom and dad are all outdoors as I zip my breasts into place, get back on the road, start to get moving and realize - WHERE IS MY CAR KEY? I start yelling down the road anyone seen my car key?  I look, waste a good 4 min now trying to find it OMG where is it there goes my good day and good time............

I give up, get back on the road.  Lady says they saw a key at the beginning of the race and didn't pick it up, maybe it's mine?  So I decide to run, to heck with the chiro, and I have time to make up..........so I start to run.  We get to a downhill and since I read and learned downhills are bad on the knees, I walk the downhill and start jogging again at the flat.  I feel pretty good, knees even feel ok.  So I run walk from the halfway mark  to mile marker 4.........feeling the left knee for sure.  I did the final mile in like 10 min even with some walking, obviously my pace has picked up with my rest, isn't that funny?  Total time 65 min, but i don't care I need my key, I don't even head for the water, but by now I am so thirsty I was ready to die the last .25 mile how do people run that far with no water??  I only ran about 1.5 miles of the race give or take..........I'm not hungry, I find the broadcast trailer, NO KEY someone picked up the only key..........

I'm devastated.  I don't have a spare in the car.  I'm gonna need a locksmith and a car service from Geico.  OMG why did I race today?  So I am on the phone with Geico they tell me they'll pay 100 and I have to pay the balance they'll get back to me with the $ amount and let me know if they take checks (the service) oh gosh I am broke I don't need this........no $$ in the bank, no paycheck til monday.  Banks are open Friday.  I am so screwed.  They ANNOUNCE that for the person looking for a key, there's a new key I DASH SPRINT to the broadcast trailer and say KEY, and he says what kind, and I say Dodge Neon and they say it's your lucky day, I hug the men, I kiss the key, I hoot and holler and jump around and thank God and everyone and what  blessed thanksgiving it is and how lucky I am................

The Geico woman comes back and I happily tell her I don't need her services thank you soooooooooo much I am so grateful for her help and patience and so glad I am going to my car right now and going home thank you very much.  So who cares that I didn't run the trot, I finished, I didn't hurt myself too badly and I have this great story!!! 

EDITED TO ADD:  I am amused and not in any way traumatized by this sequence of events.  I believe it was a learning lesson and I am just happy to know that I am a fast walker........it's cool to be able to walk at a pace I used to not be able to run at!

275 SW 8/5/08LB 165MW 2009-11, LB complications 2010-14

7-22-14 Revision LB to VSG 212SW/192CW/159GW  HT 5'7"



on 11/26/09 12:56 am - CA
wow, what a story.............I don't know if u have an alarm on your car or not, i do.......i usually take off my alarm place my keys in the car, and lock my car with the remote and put the remote in my shorts pocket.......if u run in gear with no pocket.........simply interlace your key through the second to last hole in your shoe.....lace it up the rest of the way and tie your shoes as normal............that key ain't goin nowhere, u can get it wet, etc   without any problem.........now this is for a single key of course......there are all sorts of cheap options also on the Internet, any good running store website will have them...............good luck in your running..............KEN
on 11/26/09 12:59 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 07/22/14

Thank you so much!  I will not only take your advice I will definitely be careful what kind of sports bra I purchase in the future...........zippers are easier to get ON and OFF, lol..............

275 SW 8/5/08LB 165MW 2009-11, LB complications 2010-14

7-22-14 Revision LB to VSG 212SW/192CW/159GW  HT 5'7"



on 11/27/09 8:15 pm - Chatham, NJ
Hey, Kernie,

That's not so bad!  At least you found your keys in the end.

My turkey trot story is . . . I woke up the hubby and kids early on Thanksgiving morning when everyone just wanted to sleep.  We got dressed into our running gear and had our morning power breakfast before the big family Turkey Trot (hubby and girls doing the 1 miler, while mommy does the 5 miler).  So, I check one last time for the directions to the park and, much to my surprise, I realized that this Turkey Trot does not actually happen on Thanksgiving, the 26th, but Saturday, the 28th.  This is after I had already moved the Thanksgiving feast at my house from 2pm to 5pm to accomodate my race!  I'm such a an idiot sometimes!  Luckily, my hubby and the kids were great sports about it. 

on 11/27/09 8:28 pm - Dayton, OH
VSG on 07/22/14
Hey so you're racing today!  You go!

Ours is a 1 miler and 5 miler too! I was worried with  my injuries that I might have to do the one mile which would have totally infuriated me..........but I sort of didn't give the chiro that option, I just said, so you're clearing me to walk 5 miles ,right?  He does the Turkey Trot most years so he knows..........and he loves running..  Good chiropractor to have!

Hope you have fun today!  BTW I am loving this fill, think I am back in the losing game for sure!

275 SW 8/5/08LB 165MW 2009-11, LB complications 2010-14

7-22-14 Revision LB to VSG 212SW/192CW/159GW  HT 5'7"



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