I want a new addiction......

(deactivated member)
on 11/22/09 1:09 pm
I keep telling my daughter I need a new addiction and I would like for it to be running and/or working out.....anything physical.

We had a discussion last week about the best way for walking/running and I decided this might be the best place to get opinions.  When she was in band, they were taught to walk heel/toe.  When I walk and I never really think about it, it seems like I go toe/heel.  When I specifically walked heel/toe, my hamstrings were worked much more than normal walking. 

Is either way better?  More important, what is the best method for running?  I don't want to make it any harder on my feet than I have to!


on 11/22/09 3:34 pm
You will probably find a lot of contradictory opinions on this.
I have seen both, but the one thing that tends to be common among all of them is that you want your feet to land under your center of gravity, not in front of.  If you think about your feet landing in front of you, it's almost like stopping yourself every time your foot hits the ground, then you have to overcome this and propel yourself forward again.

I have also read an article recently that said not to modify your run.  Your body will do what comes natural to it and that when you start modifying things is when you end up with injuries.  I don't know if that is true or not, but it was one writers opinion.

Congrats on taking up exercise as your new addiction.

If you are going to start to run, I recommend the couch to 5k program.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Scott William
on 11/22/09 9:26 pm
I think that unless you have some really odd quirks about your stride them don't mess with it too much.  Just do what comes natural.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
(deactivated member)
on 11/24/09 8:16 am
Ya'll are probably right about not chaning my normal stride.  It is kind of hard just to change the way I walk to heel/toe!


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