is it normal to be nervous a week out from your first race?

on 11/19/09 7:17 am
 The title pretty much says it all. On thanksgiving I'm going to hopefully run my first race. I signed up for the 10k run :) I know I can do the 5k i can run/walk that at the gym in 40 Minutes. I've been steadily training for the race and then about a month ago came down with bursitis in my right hip and was told no running for 3 weeks and baby it. So that's what I've been doing. This is my first race ever let alone since losing all this weight. i LOVE LOVE LOVE running and admit that I've been frustrated with not being able to run everyday. My race is a week away and I'm starting to worry about being able to finish. I figure worse case I end up walking it. Ultimately I just want to finish and prove to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to. Has any one else felt nervous before their first race? Am I going crazy?
  Thanks for taking the time to read my post a head of time :)

on 11/19/09 8:46 am
It would be weird if you weren't nervous. 

Go out and have fun.  There really isn't anything to be nervous about except expectations you place on yourself.  I think everyone wants to do good and be successful, have a pain free, enjoyable experience. 

Enjoy the experience and stay healthy.

Congrats on the race.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Jeff B.
on 11/19/09 2:25 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Kelly Bursitis is terrible, particularly for WLS patients that can't really stomach the anti inflamatories. I had the same thing in my shoulder when I started seriously swimming and training for triathlon and my doctor found a terrific holistic remedy called treumell. This for me did exactly what about 400mg of ibuprophin did. Within a week my bursitis was gone and I had full range of motion without pain. It is a bilingual and over the counter. Let me know if you have trouble finding it.

Hit up the massage therapist and ice, ice, ice! worst case scenario, you run walk and finish in 80 minutes! Keep in mind that most average Ironman triathletes walk 1/2 of the marathon portion. So there is absolutely no shame in getting through the finish line that route. Just run when you turn the final corner so you can hang your head high as you finish... they'll never know!

Oh, a thermagenic may be a huge help for day's you are feeling terrible. For professional athletes these are considered performance enhancing suppliments but for you and I, they help us survive. High Health has a product that is called X-rated and it is a natural thermagenic that I would take 1 time a day and not the dose they recommend which is double. Your body won't process those doses and they are just gimmics to sell you more. Good luck, you will do terrific and you will finish your race!

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