Stupid foot!

on 11/19/09 1:57 am - AZ
So I did my 1/2 marathon 3 weekends ago and felt great after the inital 2 days of feeling sore all over.  Did a 10K the following Sunday, stupidly laced my shoes too tight and had some pretty gnarly top of the foot pain after that, rested the rest of the running.

Then I noticed the outer edge of my foot was hurting during my short runs.  Had the foot adjusted at the chiropracter last Wednesday, tried to go for a run on Saturday...didn't make it 2 blocks before having to head back home.  More ice, rest and tylenol for the next four days.  By this point I was majorly jonesing for a run so I thought I'd give it a whack on Tuesday.  The foot felt great..the run AMAZING...felt so good...until the last 1/2 mile or so.  Then oh my gosh the foot pain.  Outside of my foot, top of my foot...iced it, went to bed, woke up and it hurt even worse the next morning and the pain was spreading to the bottom of my foot.  Called the podiatrist...can't get in for 2 weeks.  Went to the chiropracter yesterday b/c I could get in...they adjusted me, told me to keep up the icing routine.  I can totally feel the muscle extending from the big toe to the middle of the foot creaking when I put my finger on it...totally CREEPY!

Anyhoo...I'm on the resting routine again...will try to swim and maybe bike tomorrow or over the weekend.  I have a 5K run scheduled for Thanksgiving that I'm going to try to do but this is super frustrating because my next half is only 2 months away and I can't train for it properly.  I know it's better to rest it now and maybe be back to full strength a month before my race, but goodness that is so hard for me to do now that I am addicted to running.

Anyone else have weird foot problems and how did you handle them?

3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 11/19/09 3:15 am
This may help with some comfort.  I know I found a new lacing pattern that was more comfortable after reading this article.,7120,s6-238-267--12334 -0,00.html

It may not apply to your injury, but it's a short read and may be worth a try.

I hope you get better soon. 


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Brian W.
on 11/21/09 3:17 pm - Belmont, CA
Kind of a weird question, but are the second toes on your foot longer than your big toe? Even by a smidge?

If so, then I have some advice, but if not, am thinking it might be a bit of what's called Morton's Neuroma.

I also had a bit of Extensor Tendonitis, which has to do with the tendon that runs from the Big Toe down to the middle of the foot.  The common name for it is Turf Toe, very painful!  The only solution for that is rest.

Foot problems are nothing to mess around with, so gotta take care of them until they fully heal or a 2 week injury can turn into a several month battle

on 11/22/09 12:52 am - AZ
 I do have the oh so lovely 2nd toe longer, Morton's foot toes.  So...what is Morton's Neuroma?

3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


Brian W.
on 11/22/09 2:11 pm - Belmont, CA
Yep I got Morton's toe as well.   What's basically happening is that since the 2nd toe is taking on more weight than it should, you can get pain in the foot.  And that pain can manifest in the middle of the foot where the main metatarsal bones are.

Based on my reading and research, I am using something recommended by a podiatrist.  Instead of expensive orothotics, I take a Dr. Scholls shoe insert (the thin kind), cut out a 1 inch by 2 inch square, and tape it to the ball of my foot.  You can PM me if you want more specific instructions, but doing this moves the weight back on to the big toe.  I also wear a gel toe cap on both toes to protect the toenails.  They got real bruised in my marathon training and took months to regenerate, but they are finally back and healthy.

You might also have a neuroma, which is an inflammation of a nerve in the foot.  The toepad will help the neuroma as well, but it will take some time to heal.

I'm not a podiatrist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night :)

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