Sunday Workouts

on 11/8/09 12:42 am - TX
Ran first of 2 twenty milers today.  3 hours and 34 minutes.  First half was slow, but felt pretty good about second half.  Rest day tomorrow.

What did you do?
on 11/8/09 1:59 am - portland, OR
3 mile run planned today--maybe I'll make it to the library carrying my overdue books to make it a bit harder. Hehehe..
   "Fall down 7 times--STAND UP 8!"
Elisa K.
on 11/8/09 3:49 am - Lumberton, NJ
did 12.4 miles today.  The weather was gorgeous here in NJ!!  Unfortunately, I pooped out about mile 10.  Walked/ran the rest.  I know that I did not get enough water in yesterday - was a little dehydrated.  Lesson learned - make more of an effort to get tha****er in!!
Cassie W.
on 11/8/09 4:25 am
Celebrated World Run Day with a 5-mile run/walk followed by breakfast with my running group.  The organizer had bibs, door prizes and t-shirts for our group of 15.  It was a great time and I was pleased to be able to do the 5 miles without pain.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Rob S.
on 11/8/09 5:40 am - DE
Ran 3-miles today just to pass the time.  Tremendous weather today.  Bagged 42 bags of leaves.
on 11/8/09 5:53 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 07/22/14
First time running more than 5 miles.............5.5 in 60 minutes, I was totally excited to find out how far I ran! 

Turkey trot in less than three weeks and I am ready, now I have time to improve, not just finish!

My 5k pace was 10:30.on 10/27 (late evening, rain, cool but slippery and had trouble with lungs with that one).........very cool to see my 5.5 mile pace was 10:53 and without all that crazy breathing!  I do sooooooooo much better with morning runs and races.  Those evening ones kick my tail, anyone else find that to be true?

Glad the Trot is a morning event!

275 SW 8/5/08LB 165MW 2009-11, LB complications 2010-14

7-22-14 Revision LB to VSG 212SW/192CW/159GW  HT 5'7"



on 11/8/09 8:21 am
This seems puny compaired to the posts above, but here is something for us beginners I did my first day of the C25K program in my effort to get ready for a 1/2 marathon on May 2 2010. I went at a 3mph walk pace and a 6mph jog pace, which had me cover about1.75 miles with the warm-up and cool-down period. I walked the addition 1/4 to get to 2 miles. Of course my daugther, who will be running with me in the 1/2 ran for her first 6 miles than did sprits after. i have my work cut out for me training to keep up with her!!! Day 1 of 63 in the bag...Than we start the marathon training schedule. And this was my idea!!

David B.
on 11/8/09 10:23 am - Fort Worth, TX
Only 2.5 weeks out. Rode my bicycle 4 mile around my neighborhood. Then went shopping at Sam's.

David B.
  David  max  317, pre liquid diet  295, day of surgery 285, current 193 09/01/10
on 11/8/09 11:05 am - WI
I just got done doing the biggest loser wii game did the warm up, full body workout, cooldown, then I did the challenge it kick my butt. But I won first place too :) Still sitting here sweating. Drinking cold water and about to have a protein shake. I have bob as my trainer and he kicks butt! I am hooked on this new game. I got little over a week ago. I missed 1 or 2 days but then I did my recumbent bike in replace of it.

Has anyone try the dvds the biggest loser cardo or the biggest loser boot camp. I got both try the cardio one but havent' try the boot camp one yet.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 11/8/09 12:51 pm - Northern, CA
I went on a bike ride. It was supposed to be a social slow ride but I am rehabbing and injury and got dropped. I also got lost so did an extra mile over everyone else.

Then we went out for brunch. Yum.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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