couch to 5k help

Candace Sparkles
on 11/7/09 12:14 am
Hello everyone. I have heard good things about the couch to 5k program and was wanting to start it soon (soon as the doc will let me exercise). However I am having severe issues finding it. I found the basic regimen on that cool running site. I know there are a bunch of podcasts with music and such for the iphone, but i have a blackberry. Is there anything i could dl to my phone or computer that would do the trick? Something similar to a podcast where it would break it up for me so i wouldnt have to keep setting a stop watch? Also before anyone asks no i dont have a ipod - my husband does have an iphone, but he keeps it with him all the time. He said he could leave it home and let me use it, bbbbuuuttttt i'd much rather find something for my phone or computer that wouldnt rq him to leave his beloved phone 3 days a week lol. Thanks in advance for your help.

 My DS

                         100% EWL achieved!
sw 291/cw 134/gw 145 (Resetting goal to 135!) (resetting yet again to 120!)


Darrell H.
on 11/7/09 12:27 am - Sinton, TX
I am not very good with any technology so I will let others chime in, but when I started couch to 5K I used the distance first. I just went to our high school track and walked and ran the distance that it called for. Then you can just listen to music if that is yout thing or just enjoy the jog. Congrats on wanting to get started on that program. It is awesome and will get you going in no time. Take it slow if you have to and go on your time. In other words, repeat weeks if you need to and then just keep daring greatly!
Tri Daring Greatly!

I will no longer be a spectator, a dreamer, a wonderer. I AM a doer; not only a goal setter, but a goal achiever. I will lead by example rather than word. I will "DARE GREATLY!"
on 11/7/09 12:54 am
You don't need the music at all, or the podcasts or anything like that.
You just need a watch to tell you when to transition between run and walk.
If you use i-tunes or media monkey or probably several other music software titles you can actually go in and limit the duration of your songs.

So you can take a 3 minute song and say play from 0:00 to 1:30 of the song.  It will then only play that portion of the song.  You can then upload or sync that to your music player.

In I-tunes it is done like this
right click on a song
then it should say Start Time and End Time

This site has links to podcasts

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Candace Sparkles
on 11/7/09 10:01 am
very helpful info, thanks a lot!

 My DS

                         100% EWL achieved!
sw 291/cw 134/gw 145 (Resetting goal to 135!) (resetting yet again to 120!)


(deactivated member)
on 11/8/09 1:32 am - Menomonee Falls, WI
Michelle B.
on 11/8/09 10:18 am - Augusta, ME
I never listen to music when I run.  I don't want to get so I depend on it to run because I have seen many races that don't let you wear IPODs
on 11/8/09 12:57 pm - Northern, CA
You can get podcasts and lots of other stuff at this site:

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